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"Come in, Son."
"Father, we bear good news."
"Well, then-- pray tell."

"Juliet and I, would like to get marri--"
"What do you mean 'no'?"
"I mean, you cannot get married."
"But, why!?"
"You have not proven yourself a man, Philip!"
"Then what must I do!?"
"Find me land."
"Your greed will soon end you, I will be the first to laugh. I will join the voyage tomorrow! I will find land. And bury you in it!"
"You are most welcome to try."

Three weeks later...

Philip had not seen a sight of land since he had left the kingdom, until...
Philip rushes out of the cabin and sets his eyes on the horizon... "Land" he mutters.

"Well? Then get the boats ready!"
"Aye, sir!"


"Call down the scribe, we are gonna send a messenger bird to the king."

The Philippine SecretHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin