Her whole life Cynthia Primrose Moore felt unloved and misunderstood. She felt like she was missing something. That was until she met Michael a boy whose soul was like hers, their meeting changed their lives but was it for the better? What did life...
A/N: So SMUT and we find out what Madelyn knows!!!
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The next day rolled along. Michael had let Cynthia sleep as long as possible, but Pandora needed to be fed, and he knew while he could give her a bottle, Cynthia would need to nurse. He also knew how much his wife looked forward to nursing their daughter. It was a bonding experience, and he knew she'd beat herself up if she missed a feeding.
Michael placed Pandora on the bed, allowing her to crawl over to her mother, who was fast asleep on Michael's side of the bed. He smiles at her beauty as he leans down and kisses her forehead. "Love, you need to wake up." He says softly, watching as Pandora sits on her knees and flattens her little hand, patting Cynthia's face.
"Mama," the infant says, making Michael chuckle, "Cyn, wake up," she groans, moving her face and furrowing her brows at Pandora's patting. "Mama," Pandora calls again; Cynthia gives a sleepy smile as she finally opens her eyes, looking at her daughter.
"Good morning, Moonflower." She says, picking up her tiny hand and kissing her palm. "Good morning, Cara Mia." Michael says, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Good morning, Mon Cher."
"I wanted to let you sleep, but Pandora needs to be nursed." He tells her. Cynthia nods, sitting up, "did she eat her solid?" She asked; Pandora would get something like peaches or bananas in the morning before being nursed. "She did," he responds, reaching over to grab Cynthia's pillow for Pandora. She mutters thanks as she undoes the shirt with a groan, "I already started leaking." She says with an eye roll noticing the shirt was starting to get wet from breastmilk. Pandora starts to whine, just wanting to nurse already.
"I'll get you a clean one." He says, getting up and heading for the closet. Cynthia shucks off the shirt and lifts Pandora, and situates her so she can finally nurse. "There you go," Cynthia coos. Michael comes back one of his teeshirts in hand as he sits again at the edge of the bed. "For after you feed, our princess." He smiles, laying it on his night table. Cynthia yawns, nodding her head, "I'm sorry love. I wanted to let you sleep longer."
"Don't apologize." She says, "You had no choice,"
"Technically, I could've given her a bottle."
"Yeah, then I would've leaked way more and been upset that I didn't nurse her." Michael nods, "I know," he sighs. "Come sit with us." Cynthia says,
"I am," he responds a matter of factly, "no, I mean come to my side of the bed. Sit your ass down and wrap your arm around me, then kiss me." She practically orders, making him chuckle. "Yes, ma'am." He states, walking over to Cynthia's side taking his shoes off before climbing in.