Kana Sonzai

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When Kana first found out that her dragons were being slaughtered by Akuma she was devastated. She couldn't believe that someone she loved so dearly would kill the creatures she tried so hard to protect and nurture.

With every counting death of her dragons Kana grew weaker and weaker. So with her last ounce of magic and her last breath she created a weapon strong enough to defeat Akuma and free all her beloved dragons.

Kana spoke the ancient words of the gods until a bright light appeared and engulfed her in its beauty. As the light grew brighter, Kana's life essence grew dimmer until nothing was left of her body. All that remained was a sword, a Honjo Masamune, with an incredible amount of power trapped within it.

But before Kana's departure she had asked Hiroto, a small and weak dragon, a favor, "Hide and protect this sword from Akuma and ensure that a worthy warrior finds it. Do think you can do that for me Hiroto?"

Hiroto nodded, "Of course."

The young dragon feld the scene with the Honjo Masamune trapped between his Jaws and tears flowing from his eyes. He hid the sword in the Sensoji Temple the purest place in all of Japan and birth place of Kana Sonzai.

It was said that the temple held a special type of magic that protected it from all evils entering its pure sanctity. Now all that was left for Hiroto was to find a warrior worthy of the sword's possession.

Written by me and Mera822

The Sensoji Temple is located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan and is Japan's oldest temple. In fact, the full name of the Sensoji Temple is Kinryuzan which means the mountain of the golden dragon. The temple is dedicated to the bodhisattva Kannon

 The temple is dedicated to the bodhisattva Kannon

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(picture of the Sensoji Temple)

According to legand a statue of Kannon was found in the Sumida River by two fisherman brothers. Their village chief recognized the sanctity of the statue and decided to cherish it by remodeling his own house into a small temple in Asakusa so that the villagers could worship Kannon.

In our story the temple is still seen as a sanctity but it wasn't built to worship Kannon. It is used to worship the dragon goddess, Kana Sonzai, because it's where she was born. We mean NO disrespect to Kannon and the Sensoji Temple's history. Its's just to fit the story.

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