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Kim Y/NAge - 16Family- MOM and DAD (died in car aciddent) , brothers died (she thinks)Friends- NO ONENature - Cute , Sweet , introvert

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Kim Y/N
Age - 16
Family- MOM and DAD (died in car aciddent) , brothers died (she thinks)
Friends- NO ONE
Nature - Cute , Sweet , introvert


Kim NamjoonAge - 254th youngest brotherFamily- DAD and MOM(died in car aciddent) sister died (they think) Friends- GOT7Nature- cold and very dangerous also the smartestWork- Planner of the Mafia Group

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Kim Namjoon
Age - 25
4th youngest brother
Family- DAD and MOM(died in car aciddent) sister died (they think)
Friends- GOT7
Nature- cold and very dangerous also the smartest
Work- Planner of the Mafia Group

Kim NamjoonAge - 254th youngest brotherFamily- DAD and MOM(died in car aciddent) sister died (they think) Friends- GOT7Nature- cold and very dangerous also the smartestWork- Planner of the Mafia Group

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Kim Seokjin
Age - 27
Family- DAD and MOM (died in car accident) sister died (they think)
Friends- GOT7
Nature- Dangerous but sweet sometimes
Work - The leader of the Mafia Group

Kim SeokjinAge - 27Family- DAD and MOM (died in car accident) sister died (they think)Friends- GOT7Nature- Dangerous but sweet sometimesWork - The leader of the Mafia Group

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Kim Yoongi
Age - 26
Family- DAD and MOM(died) , sister died (they think)
Friends- GOT7
Nature- Cold and was very close to his sister that's why got depressed after losing her
Work- Hacker of the mafia group.

Kim YoongiAge - 26Family- DAD and MOM(died) , sister died (they think)Friends- GOT7Nature- Cold and was very close to his sister that's why got depressed after losing herWork- Hacker of the mafia group

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Kim Hoseok
Age - 25
Family- Mom and Dad (died),sister died (they think)
Frirnds- GOT7
Nature- Cold towards everyone other than his family , the sunshine
Work- Dealer of the mafia group

Kim HoseokAge - 25Family- Mom and Dad (died),sister died (they think)Frirnds- GOT7Nature- Cold towards everyone other than his family , the sunshineWork- Dealer of the mafia group

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Kim Jimin
Age - 22
Family- Mom and Dad (died)
Friends- GOT7
Nature- Cold towards everyone other than his brothers.
Work- torcherer of the mafia group

Kim TaehyungAge - 22Family- Mom and Dad (died),sister died (they think)Friends- GOT7Nature- Cold towards everyone other than his brothers

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Kim Taehyung
Age - 22
Family- Mom and Dad (died),sister died (they think)
Friends- GOT7
Nature- Cold towards everyone other than his brothers.
Work- Sniper of the mafia group

Kim JungkookAge - 20Family- Mom and Dad (died),sister died (they think)Friends- GOT7Nature- Cold towards everyone other than his brothers

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Kim Jungkook
Age - 20
Family- Mom and Dad (died),sister died (they think)
Friends- GOT7
Nature- Cold towards everyone other than his brothers. Misses her sis the most
Work- fighter of the mafia group.

Additional +

Hana Stuart - Guardian of Y/N after her mom , dad and brothers diedFamily - have a daughter , Aunt of Y/NNature - Greedy for money

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Hana Stuart - Guardian of Y/N after her mom , dad and brothers died
Family - have a daughter , Aunt of Y/N
Nature - Greedy for money

Edward Stuart - Guardian of Y/N after her mom , dad and brothers diedFamily - have a daughter , Uncle of Y/NNature - Greedy for money

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Edward Stuart - Guardian of Y/N after her mom , dad and brothers died
Family - have a daughter , Uncle of Y/N
Nature - Greedy for money

Sandy - hates y/n very much bully her in the school and if she did mistakes so she always blames on y/nAge - 17Family - MOM (Hanna) , DAD (Edward)Nature - Rude , Selfish , Gold digger , Play girl

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Sandy - hates y/n very much bully her in the school and if she did mistakes so she always blames on y/n
Age - 17
Family - MOM (Hanna) , DAD (Edward)
Nature - Rude , Selfish , Gold digger , Play girl.

Don't forget to vote till then, byyy

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