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The long hand on the clock ticked by mockingly slow. She was convinced that Coach Wilson traded it out for a trick clock that made the hour tick by every third second. It was a modern form of torture that she did not enjoy.

Her foot tapped against the tile floor. The rubber sole of her converse squeaked with every light tap. She counted five taps of her shoe between every tick of the second hand.

Misery, She thought to herself. She is what misery feels like.

She looked at Peter who sat beside her. He slumped down in his seat as he stared off into space. His eyes glazed over. She found it odd to see him without a string of ideas brightening his eyes. There was no infectious spark of brilliance that she found so alluring.

She looked away from him to see MJ deep in a portrait of Coach Wilson. The shading was phenomenal as she was able to capture the dull shine to his lifeless eyes.

The room was so quiet she heard the short hour-hand on the clock click to its next placement. Her head perked up as she saw it had reached 4 o'clock. She looked expectantly to Coach Wilson who lost himself in whatever was on his computer screen. She saw the green reflection in his glasses as he moved a virtual card from one deck to another. Solitare.

She subtly cleared her throat. It was enough news to snap Peter from his daze. He lifted himself and looked at the clock. When he noticed the time he leaned onto his desk and looked at Coach Wilson.

"Alright," Coach Wilson sighed. "I can hear your little brains screaming to be let out." He blinked slowly as he looked away from his computer screen. His entire face lit with the green screen. "You're dismissed."

She shot up from her seat and slung her backpack over her shoulder. Peter was right behind her as they both fled the room. She broke out into the hall and turned toward the exit with Peter hot on her heels. "If we run, we might be able to miss Ned before he-" she stopped as the door to the robotics lab opened. Ned walked out and looked down the hall toward them. He grinned as he saw both of them.

"Hey, guys!" He waved and started for them.

Eliza turned on her heels and ran into Peter's chest. "Abort. Run the other way-" she pressed into his stomach to get him to turn around.

"Eliza," he hissed lowly as his eyes glued to Ned. "We can't run from him."

She stopped and jutted her bottom lip out. "But it was supposed to be a date."

Her whining caused him to look down at her. His eyes moved to her mouth where her bottom lip continued to pout. "Well..." She could see the contemplation in his eyes.

"A date means just two people, right?" Her blue eyes moved feverishly between his. "Or am I getting that wrong?"

"No, no, it... it is supposed to be just us."

"Okay." She looked down at his chest where her hands had yet to fall from. "Do you not want it to just be the two of us? Do you want Ned and MJ to come to be some sort of- of buffer?"

"What?" His voice rose to a near squeak. He tensed as he heard his own voice echo through the hall. "No-" he dropped his voice to a whisper as Ned approached. "Of course I want it to just be the two of us. I really want that but I can't- I don't know how to say no to Ned."

"How was detention?"

Her hands fell from Peter's chest as she turned to face Ned. He looked happy as ever as he looked between them.

"Bad," she told him with a flat face. "Very bad."

His smile dimmed a bit. "Yeah, the robotics lab was kind of boring. I didn't really have anything to work on while I waited."

You're my escape- A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now