Spinner's End

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"Get up, we must get you out of here now."  He tried pulling at her shoulders but she curled into herself.

"Did you not hear me. You need to get up NOW."  This time he pulled on a few strands of her hair.

She sat up. "What difference does it make?"  she couldn't keep the sadness out of her voice.

"The difference? Did you not hear anything he said. Many people have died trying to end this war.  It's unfortunate but you are now involved.  Not really surprising considering your family background, seems you are all troublemakers.  Right now, we need to figure out where to hide you.  It has to be someplace no one would expect."  He was pacing now.  Just as Albus had done in the memory.  "Benyamin and Anders know you are here, and Malfoy, if they found out about you...."  He stopped pacing and came to stand by her.  "We cannot let that happen.  Do you have any idea what the Dark Lord would do to you if he knew who you are and what you can do?  I have not heard any word from the DeathEaters that they are looking for you so I do not think Benyamin has seen the Dark Lord.  Fortunately, someone like that would not be worth the Dark Lord's time."  He began pacing again. "Malfoy is a coward but will do whatever he can to save himself or elevate himself."

"I will take you to Spinner's End.  No one would expect that.  You won't have time to pack.  Better to leave your things here and say you ran off back to America.  I will apparate us once we are out of the castle.  No one can see.  I have one invisibility potion with me now.  You will take that and follow me.  Do you understand?  You must for once listen to what I am telling you."  He held his hand out and pulled her up when she took it.  She took the vial he held out and drank it. 

"Follow closely."  He started down the steps of the tower.  She took a moment to look at everything again before she left.  She had found her family and it was already being taken from her.  Just one more thing to lose, grief settled over her.

She followed him without issue.  It was late and there was no one about.  It was a dreary rainy night which gave her a chill as they walked across the courtyard. "You will stay invisible until you are safely at my home in Spinners End. Hold onto my arm."  She did and as soon as he felt her hand the nauseous feeling that happened every time she apparated crept upon her and then was gone as she landed on a wooden floor.  The room looked like a study with an old couch and chair that were threadbare and every single wall covered with books.  A candelabra hung from the ceiling and Severus waived his hand to light the candles in it.  There was a layer of dust on everything and oddly no door out. 

He held his hand out with the vial that she knew would make her reappear.  She took it from him and for a moment held unto it.  What if she didn't want to reappear?  What if she just wanted to run away back to America, back to Kit's grave.  Then she thought about Albus and the promise she had made to him.  She took the vial and swallowed the bitter liquid.

Staring at her and not speaking, Severus made her feel self conscious. "What now?" she asked.

"Well isn't that the question? You have been tasked with defeating an army of Dementors and I have been tasked with..."  He didn't finish the sentence.  "Let me see your Patronus.  That is as good a start as I can think of at this time."

She just stood looking at him.  Speaking to her as if she were a child, "Expecto patronum.  Say it and let me see how it looks."  When she didn't do anything he came to stand over her looking down his nose at her.  "Do you have any idea the brevity of the situation you are in?  Most wizards can barely manage one Dementor.  Now let me see your damn Patronus."  Spittle flying from his mouth in his anger.

Pulling out her wand she raised it "Expecto patronum."  Nothing happened.

She had never seen total shock on his face before and had it not been such a dire situation she would have found it comical. 

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now