theon greyjoy

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A/N: I have felt literally every single emotion possible about Theon, but I definitely bawled like a baby when he died...also this is so long so get excited :)

Your eyes flutter open as the sunlight streams in through the cracks of the shutters. You shiver, pulling the furs up to your chin to find some warmth. An arm wraps around you, pulling you into closer and warming you up. You sigh happily, sleep starting to take over once more.

"Good morning," Theon says and kisses your forehead, his voice still husky with sleep. 

You open your mouth to respond but your eyes shoot open when it finally hits you that it's morning. You leap from the bed, collecting your clothes that have been strewn around the room from the night before. 

"Shit, shit, shit," You whisper, trying to put them on as fast as you can. 

"What's the rush?" He asks, propping his head up on his arm, watching you scramble. 

"I was supposed to meet with my mother this morning for breakfast and I am completely late," You say, tripping as you put your underclothes on. 

"I don't think she'll be too upset," He says, yawning. 

"Then you don't know Catelyn Stark," You say, struggling to tie your dress by yourself.

"Just relax. If you run into the dining hall in a panic, she will definitely know something is going on," He says, now standing behind you helping you tie your dress. 

Your heartbeat speeds up when you see him in the mirror, completely naked behind you. You look down, blush burning your cheeks and heat spreading between your legs. You quickly shake off the feeling, it being what got you here in the first place.

"No one knows about us yet. I haven't even told Sansa," You say quietly. 

"Well maybe now is the time," He says, finishing tying your dress.

"Theon I can't have this conversation right now. I have to go," You say, running toward his chamber door. 

"Wait!" He calls, stopping you in your tracks. 

You turn to face him and he cups your cheek, kissing you softly. 

"Enjoy breakfast," He says, stroking your cheek. 

You smile like and idiot, then rush out of his chambers. Luckily no one was around to see you and you didn't have time to check, knowing your mother is furious by now. You burst into the dining hall, your mother sitting at the head of the table. 

"You're late," She says curtly, her eyes scanning you. 

"Slept too long. Sorry mother," You say, trying to control your rapid breathing. 

You quickly sit down, being served and your mother starts to talk to you. You're barely listening as you eat, only hearing something about your lessons with your septa. The only thing happening in your mind is images from the night before flashing before your eyes. You can practically feel Theon's hands and lips all over your body, making your cheeks red once more. 

"Are you listening to me?" Your mother snaps, pulling you from your day dream. 

"Yes mother. I need to pay more attention in my lessons with Septa Mordane," You say. 

"Clearly you were not. After breakfast your father wants to see you," She says. '

You look at her quizzically. 

"How come? Have I done something wrong?" You ask, knowing your father doesn't call people to him for a light reason. 

She clears her throat. 


"I believe he wants to speak to you about a marriage proposal," She says. 

The whole world stops. You are frozen to your spot and you can hear your blood pounding in your ears. You stare at your mother, eyes wide and terrified. 

"If I am correct, Lord Tyrell wants you to marry his son, Loras," She says. 

Your throat and chest constrict with panic as she continues to speak to you. All you can think about is Theon.

"What is the matter with you? You seem to be in a different land this morning," Your mother asks, again snapping you out of your alarm. 

Horror turns to anger and it bubbles in your belly. How dare your father pawn you off like some trading piece? How dare he completely disregard your feelings? How dare he not consult you? You snap, seeing red. 

"Mother I will not marry Loras!" You shout, slamming your hand on the table. 

Your mother jumps, completely startled by your sudden action. Her eyebrows knit together in anger as she forms a response to you. 

"You are at the age where marriage needs to be considered. I'm sorry but you do not have much of a choice in this matter," She says. 

"This isn't fair! I don't want to leave Winterfell. I don't want to leave my family! You can't make me leave!" You scream, hot and angry tears now pouring down your face. 

You jump from the table, spilling your food and bolt from the dining hall. Tears blind you as you run through the halls, needing to get to Theon. You reach his chamber door, pounding on it violently. He opens it quickly, shock on his face when he sees the state you're in and you throw your arms around him, weeping into his shoulder. 

"What is going on? What happened?" He asks, startled. 

You can't answer him, the only thing leaving your mouth are sobs of sadness. He shuts the door, picking you up and walking you to the bed where he sits down, cradling you as you cry. He strokes your hair and shushes you, waiting for you to calm down enough so you can explain what's wrong. When your sobs reduce to sniffles, you pick your head up to look at him. Concern laces his handsome features, ripping your heart in two. 

"Sweetness, what is wrong?" He asks. 

"Oh Theon," You whisper, your throat raw from your break down. 

He wipes stray tears from your cheeks, waiting for you to respond. 

"My father has promised me to Loras Tyrell," You say, barely able to say it without crumbling once more. 

Hurt flashes in his eyes and he swallows thickly. 

"I don't know when, I just know that I can't. I can't marry him," You whimper. 

Theon places you on the bed, starting to pace the room. You watch him, your heart shattering as you watch his upset but then he suddenly stops, turning to face you. 

"Marry me," He says bluntly. 

It takes a moment for you to process what he has said. 

"Marry me. Please," He says, kneeling in front of you and taking your hands in his. 

Tears flood your eyes again. 

"Theon I would in an instant, but your father would never approve. He has always wanted you to marry an Ironborn woman. My father has already promised me to Loras. He'll never agree," You whisper. 

"We'll never know if we don't ask. I can't stand by and watch the woman I'm in love with go marry some stuck up high born man and I don't want an Ironborn woman. I want you, He says. 

You start to weep once more. He hugs you tightly and you cling to him, knowing this could be one of the last times you can. 

"We have to try. I can't just let you go," He mumbles. 

You nod, unable to form any words. The both of you sit for a long time, mostly in silence as you try to build the courage to confront your father and as him to marry Theon. You never want to leave this room, knowing that when you do, it could mean the end of you and Theon. 

"Let's go. It'll be okay," He says, rubbing your leg. 

You take a deep breath and nod. The both of you head to your father's chambers and the closer you get, the more terrified you become. 

"Let me do the talking. He'll listen to me. Stay here until I ask him," You say as you stand outside his door. 

Theon nods, then kisses you passionately. A tear falls down your face as he does and you savor the feeling. Theon presses his forehead to yours, closing his eyes. 

"I love you," He says quietly. 

"I love you," You respond. 

You turn towards the door, knocking on it lightly.

"Come in," Your father says on the other side.

You look back at Theon then open the door. Your father looks up and sees you, looking at you with disappointment.

"Your outburst this morning with your mother was unacceptable. Lord Tyrell and I believe this is the best thing for you and Loras. You're at marrying age, and I won't have a daughter stuck in Winterfell for the rest of her life. I want you to be successful my love. To be cared for. Highgarden is a beautiful place and you will do well there," He says. 

You push down your anger and gather your thoughts. 

"Father, I appreciate your concern for me and your effort to keep me cared for, but I don't want to marry a man I barely know. A man I don't love. I am here to ask for your permission to marry a man I do love," You say, your hands shaking. 

"And who would that man be?" He asks. 

You look out into the hallway, signaling Theon to come in. He slowly steps into the room and you watch your father's face for any sort of reaction but there is none. He is completely stoic as his eyes flash between the two of you. He then sighs, putting his head in his hands. 

"I had suspicion," He mumbles. 

Theon grabs your hand that's behind your back, squeezing it tightly. 

"Lord Stark, you have been more of a father to me than my father ever was. You have fed me, clothed me, and housed me and for that I will forever be in your debt. But I am here to ask you for one more thing. I love your daughter more than life itself and I would give it up in a moment to be with her. She is my everything and I can't even begin to picture my life without her in it. Please, let me marry her," Theon says. 

"Child why must you make things so difficult for me," He says looking at you. 

"Please father," You whisper, tears brimming in your eyes. 

"You would be the Lady of Highgarden," Your father says. 

"I don't want to be the Lady of Highgarden father. I want to be Theon's wife. I love him," You say, tears falling down your cheeks. 

He again sighs, shaking his head. The longer he is silent, the more fearful you become. Your father raises his head and looks at you, making your heart stop in your chest. 

"Then who would I be to keep you from him," He says. 

You gasp, immediately running to your father and squeezing him tightly. 

"Thank you father. Thank you," You whisper. 

He kisses the top of your head. 

"Go. I have to explain this to your mother," He says. 

You chuckle and leave with Theon. As soon as the door to your father's chambers shuts, Theon picks you up, spinning you around in a circle. 

"No matter what my father says, I'm making you my wife," He says. 

"And I can't wait," You smile. 

He kisses you lovingly, cupping both of your cheeks in his hands. You melt into his touch, knowing you'll never have to worry about losing him again.

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