Session 18

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{smut warning! If you don't like this kind of stuff please skip to Session 20}

As the elevator doors slowly slid shut, Spike was quick to continue his tortuous teasing. Quinn's belongings had been tossed to the ground by Spike, who now had her pinned against the tempered glass walls of the elevator shaft.

As the elevator began to ascend, Spike watched the city beneath him  grow smaller and smaller as the shaft quickly made it's way up the countless number of stories. The elevator was situated on the outward side of the building, meaning the entire city was visible from within the shaft. 

Spike admired the view while he kept Quinn's back effortlessly pressed against the glass. He was quite a bit stronger than Quinn, and although she wasn't really resisting his strength, she had a feeling she wouldn't be able to if she tried. 

Spike's hands rarely remained stationary, and within a matter of seconds, Quinn felt him slip his fingers beneath her skirt. 

"Look how I've got you on display for the whole city," he mumbled through kisses as Quinn squirmed against his touch. She had half her face pressed against the glass as the darkened night sky and disappearing city lights filled her with horrendous embarrassment.

"Oh my god," Quinn grimaced as her face turned red. The chances of someone seeing them was close to zero, but despite all odds, Quinn was mortified.

"Oh, are you shy?" Spike mocked as he quickly jammed his fingers inside of her.

Quinn yelped at the sudden impact as her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Fuck... what do you think?" She stammered as his fingers curled inside of her.

"Look how beautiful you are... in front of everyone," Spike laughed as he planted soft kisses along Quinn's neckline.

As embarrassing as it was to be participating in such a juvenile display of public affection, Quinn absolutely despised the fact that she was loving every second of it. The humiliation was terribly erotic, and Spike seemed to be enjoying every moment she spent writhing in anxiety.

"Spike... this is the last place I want to cum... stop," Quinn pleaded as she began tugging her skirt downwards. Spike turned his head towards the elevator doors where he watched the glowing, LED floor numbers increase rapidly by the second. 

"I'm on the top floor," Quinn grimaced. She hoped that the limited time available would discourage him, but his movements did not cease.

"Just a few more seconds," Spike grinned as his speed began to increase. Quinn's knees buckled at the sudden surge. Spike caught her weight before she fell.

"Come on, can't stand up? What's the matter?" He mocked as he used his free hand to keep her stable.

"Fuck, Spike- you're killing me," she groaned as she pathetically fell victim to his dominance.

"We're almost there, better not cum before we get outta here," he threatened. Quinn nodded her head as she felt his fingers suddenly rock against a highly sensitive spot within her.

"Oh shit, Spike... you've- yeah you've got it," Quinn's eyes fluttered open as she felt her back slip against the surface of the glass. Her body began to slink downwards while Spike tried his best to hold her upright.

Quinn was utterly humiliated by their frivolous behavior, but the pleasure she was feeling was more than enough to disrupt the direction of  her moral compass. 

"Oh, does that feel good?" He asked rhetorically as he continued hitting his fingers against her most sensitive area. Her abdomen twisted as a sense of serenity began to wash over her head. Her body melted onto his fingers as she felt the inside of her begin to tense and contract.  


"S-Spike you're g-gonna make me," but just as Quinn was about to finish her sentence, the elevator came to a sudden halt. Quinn groaned as Spikes movements ceased once again. If only he had continued for another minute or so... Quinn surely would have finished.

As the doors slowly slid open, Spike gathered Quinn's belongings before escorting her out of the elevator. Her legs were shaking, and she could hardly walk straight. Spike took her arm as she led him to her apartment. They were silent as they walked, and Quinn was impressed by Spike's sudden respectfulness. The last thing she wanted to do was wake her neighbors, and it seemed like Spike didn't want to cause a scene either. 

 Upon reaching her apartment, Quinn unlocked it with her fingerprint. The door swung open, and the duo was quick to slip inside. Spike closed the door behind him as Quinn kicked off her shoes and directed Spike to leave her things by the door. Once he had done so, Quinn watched as he slowly remove his jacket.

Quinn was growing impatient. She had been edged twice, and all she wanted was to make Spike finish what he had started. She needed some sort of payout, and she needed it soon. Spike turned his back to her as he hung his coat up on the wrack next to her door. In his moment of blindness, Quinn sprung forwards and grabbed him by the hips.

"Come on," she grumbled eagerly as she plunged her face into the back of her neck. Spike tensed at the sudden impact. He laughed under his breath while he allowed Quinn's hands to freely explore his body.

"You sure are eager," he chuckled mockingly as Quinn moved her hands from his hips, down to his thighs. A small gasp escaped Spike's lips as Quinn's fingers brushed over the front of his jeans.

"Feels like you are too," Quinn smiled into his back as she grabbed at the stiffness beneath his pants. She could hear his breath falter as she delicately massaged his hardened length.

"Let's go," Quinn quickly grabbed his hand before pulling him towards her bedroom. Spike was more than eager to comply.

"Hey hey hey slow down," Spike vexed sarcastically as Quinn practically dragged him down the hallway.

"I'm not waiting much longer," Quinn smirked as she pushed open the door to her bedroom.

"Waiting?" Spike questioned sarcastically as she pulled him into her room before slamming the door shut behind them. She flicked on the lights as she planted impatient kisses along his face. 

"Don't play dumb, you know what you've done to me," Quinn scoffed mockingly as she led Spike towards the center of her room. Spike gave Quinn an irritated look as she harshly pushed him down onto the bed. He squinted his eyes bitterly once his back hit the mattress. 

"Wait a moment!" Spike exclaimed angrily as he extended his arm forwards. Quinn was beginning to climb on top of him, but his outstretched armed stopped her from proceeding any further.

"Don't think you can get away with that," he grumbled as he pushed Quinn away from the edge of the bed. She stumbled backwards but Spike was quick to catch her by the arm.

"What're you-" Quinn asked curiously, but before she could finish her thought, Spike grabbed her by the hair and shoved her onto the floor. Her legs buckled under the sudden downwards force, and before she knew it, she was sitting on her knees with her head pointed towards the ground.

Spike had a fistful of her hair in one hand while the other grazed the bottom of her chin.

"You're pushy when you're desperate," he grumbled as he tightened his fist around her hair. Quinn flinched in pain as he tilted her chin upwards.

"But despite your sudden dominance, you're still on your knees for me," He raised an eyebrow as Quinn stared at him absently.

"What do you want?" Quinn replied pathetically as she eyed the obvious hardness that was concealed within his jeans. 

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