Ch. 4

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Marisa's POV:

"Hey get back here!", one of the employees of the small store yelled while chasing me.

I quickly ran out of the store and into the dark alley. I hid behind a wall as the employee came outside to see if I was in view of running away. He didn't notice me and stomped his foot yelling a few swear words. As I heard him go back into the store, I let out a breath and looked at what I stole. A pair of gloves, and a small bag of chips. Not the best things I've stolen, but they will be useful. I slip on the gloves since it's cold outside and keep walking in the dark alley. I think about the employee and feel bad for him knowing that he's probably going to get in trouble for not catching me. It's not like I wanted to steal, I had to. I find less food now a days while looking through garbage. Now I sometimes steal in order to get any food or anything that I can wear. I've never been caught before, well I have, but I still get away with stealing. Sometimes I wish I could give everything I've stolen back, but if I did, I would be in trouble, and I would get sent to one of those foster homes or worse, prison. I never want to go to prison. I don't want to be like my father. He's the reason how my life is now, and I will never forgive him for that. It even disgusts me thinking about him now. As I keep walking, I hear some loud music. It's probably from a club, they always have those near the alleys.

Suddenly I hear a woman crying. I follow the cry and see these two guys trying to take the lady's purse. That's not the first time I've seen something like that. It's pretty typical around here. Then I see this guy coming up. He looks drunk since he's not walking straight and kinda young. I couldn't really tell what he looks like since the shadows and dark sky are covering his face.

As he goes up to the men, he slurs out, "Give her purse back."

Then one of the dudes hits the young guy in the jaw and he falls to the ground. The men run away along with the girl trying to get her purse back. I feel like I wanted to help him, but I just couldn't. I see him slowly get up and wipe his face which probably has blood on it. The punch looked like it hurt. The young man keeps walking and I decide to follow him. I don't want him to think I'm some stalker so I keep my distance from him. He's been walking for a while and I feel bad for him. I mean he's drunk and is young, I wouldn't be surprised if he was crying now. He does look like he's about to pass out, and that's when I suddenly start walking to him. He lays on the ground and looks like he's about to pass out to sleep any second. As I get close to him, I see his eyes close. When I finally reach him, I nudge him.

"Sir? Sir are you ok?", I said.

Normally I would be way too shy to even do this, but something in my gut told me to help him. So what did I do? I picked him up, slinging his arm over me and walked him to a light so I could see him more clearly. It was hard to do it since the guy was unconscious but I managed to drag him to the light. I carefully laid him down and observed him. His face was familiar. He had brown hair and was wearing a nice shirt. His jeans had blood on him from the punch and there was still some blood on his face. I dug my hand into my back pocket and found a big band-aid that I've kept just in case. I unwrapped it, and stuck it to the man's jaw to cover up the blood.

'I wonder if the guy has any identification on him?', I thought to myself.

I carefully slid my hand into his pocket and found three things, a cell phone, his car keys, and a note. I was curious about the note so I opened it and read what it said. That's when my eyes popped out of my head.

It's the note.

The note I wrote to that guy named Louis two years ago when he gave me his lunch and was so kind to me.

"So if this is the note, then that must be...", I said looking at the man now.


It all made sense. He looks so familiar now. I can't believe it's been two years. He looks the same except his hair is a bit different and he looks a bit taller. I couldn't help but smile, I never thought I would see him again. The last time I remember smiling was when I met him, and now I'm smiling even more. Never would I have thought that I would see him ever again. But then I start to think that he doesn't remember me, and my smile disappears.

Suddenly a voice pops in my head, 'If he forgot about you, then he would have never have saved the letter you gave him after two years. He remembers you!'

I smile again after hearing that voice say that to me. Just then, his phone rings. I pick up the phone and look who it is. It says, "<3 my gf <3" I don't know what gf means but I answer the phone.

"Louis babe! Are you ok?!?! I'm sorry about everything but the boys told me they can't find you at the club and I'm worried about you!!!!! Louis are you safe?", the girl on the other phone says.

I cough a little as I'm about to speak to a stranger.

"Louis... is ok. He just got really drunk and passed out on the floor. I think you should pick him up. He's on..."

I stop talking to look at the street that we're on. Even some alleys have street names.

"...Apple Street. He got punched so he got some blood on him, but I covered it up with a bandage. He's ok."

"Who... who is this?", the girl asks.

"Someone who's just trying to help for once instead of ignoring and walking away. Goodbye."

I hung up the phone and look back at Louis who is still asleep. I go put my hands in the pocket of my hoodie and find a pen. I take the note and bring it to the wall. There's a lot of space still on the back so I write on it. After I finish writing on it, I fold it up and carefully put the letter, along with is keys and phone, back into his pocket.

Just then, his eyes open and look right at me. I stay frozen and look back at him. Neither of us say anything and just stare at each other. I don't know if Louis recognizes me or not. Louis starts to open his mouth and quietly says, "Marisa?" Just then, I hear a car coming and I start to panic.

The last words I say to him are, "Goodbye Louis.", and then I run away. I don't even go behind the wall to listen to anything. I just keep running, get far away as possible. (:


****so that's actually all that I've wrote so far. I will keep writing more but it might take more of a while until I post the next chapter. I hope everyone understands. Love you all****

:) <3 (:

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