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Narrator's POV

Ciel Phantomhive smiled as he woke, seeing his beloved little brother still asleep beside him.

He looked at Astre's perfect face, seeing a pinkish droplet of liquid on his petal pink lips and smiled.

It seems Undertaker had done as he asked and had Astre drink the elixir.

Here at the Music Hall, all the food and drink offered had diluted versions of the same elixir in it to keep the masses coming back and loyal; the Starlight Four and cultists drank the undiluted version to keep them extremely devoted and worshipful towards the Star Lords.

But Astre and Lizzy had been given semi-diluted versions that would make them open to the 'religion' established here.

Lizzy had reacted well to the drug, fully buying into the idea that Ciel was brought back to life to be the representative of a holy star and relied on blood to maintain that radiance.

Unlike her though, Astre knew more about the bizarre doll project and knew with certainty that Ciel had died so his reaction to the drug was uncertain.

Humming a cheerful tune, the undead twin waited for his brother to wake.


Astre's eyelashes began to flutter as the light from the hallway peeked into the room through the one star window above the door.

His mismatched eyes opened as he sat up, yawning as he rubbed his eyes.

Gazing around the room, his mismatched eyes quickly landed on Ciel who was sitting beside him.

"Good morning, starshine." Ciel greeted, kissing his cheek

Astre blushed a bit, "Good morning, skylight, where is the morning tea?"

"I usually do not request morning tea, but I can call for some if you would like." The elder twin answered, reaching for the string that would ring a bell downstairs to summon a servant

Within a few moments, a servant cracked the door open, "You called, Lord Sirius?"

"Bring a pot of tea, condiments and two cups." Ciel demanded

"Right away, lord." The unseen servant said, closing the door

Once the servant was gone, Astre looked to his brother confused, "Why did he not open the door?"

"Blavat has told the servants that they should avoid looking at the Star Lords as much as possible." The undead blunette explained, "They are not worthy to look at us."

"Who are the other Star Lords?" The other blunette asked

Ciel just kissed his cheek again, "I will introduce you to them eventually, today we will visit Lizzy."

Before their conversation could continue, the door cracked open again and a silver tray containing exactly what was requested was set on the small table by the door.

"Smells like Earl Grey." The twins simultaneously commented

They then laughed, it seems nearly four years apart had not gotten rid of how synchronized they were.


Sebastian Michaelis scowled as he stood across the street from Sphere Music Hall.

It had been a little over a week since the Young Master had been captured but he was yet to call upon the demon.

The Butler knew his master was unharmed nor comatose, as he would be able to feel it if he was, so where was he?

He had tried several times to sneak in and look for him, but he had been thwarted each time and dragged out for being a collapsar.

Just last night he had tried to break in during the Sirius Event using a disguise and a Sirius bracelet he had bought off a passerby in the street, but he had been caught and thrown out —over the course of the week he had bought all four bracelets in his attempts to break in.

But tonight was the Public Party so he hopefully he could go unnoticed among the crowd.


Astre listened to the tune Ciel was humming as they dressed after having tea together.

They were identically dressed in a simple black shirt that had a high ruffled collar and long sleeves with ruffled cuffs as well as matching black shorts.

Their legs were covered with black stockings embroidered all over with the Canis Major constellation and plain black leather shoes that had silver bottoms.

What set them apart was the navy blue lace veil that was so thick it obscured Ciel's features and kept his face, arms and torso hidden.

Additionally, atop Ciel veiled head was a silver diadem holding a single star and his hands were covered by black cotton gloves.

"You really wear that everyday?" The younger twin asked

The elder twin nodded, "Yes, at least while being Lord Sirius."

"If it is something the Star Lords wear, then why am I wearing it?" Astre questioned

Ciel walked up to him and cupped his face with his gloved hands, stroking his lips with his thumbs, "Because you are my other half, my most precious one, I will make sure all know that."

A light blush covered Astre's cheeks, finding comfort at being cherished so ferociously.

It had been so hard being so strong —being Ciel— these past few years, it felt so nice to be able to be himself —be weak and taken care of— again.

He was unaware Ciel had noticed the slight shift in behavior as the thought passed.

The veiled boy was smirking under the lace, he was so pleased Astre was no longer being so stubborn and had returned to his true submissive nature.

Oh how he wanted to lift his veil and kiss those pretty pink lips red, but he restrained himself, drastic actions might scare Astre away.

But soon, he would Astre fully —not only as a brother but as a lover as well— and then everything would be as it should again between them.

Unfortunately, Ciel eventually had to take his wants from Astre's face and take his hand instead, leading him outside of the room for the first time since he had been brought here...

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