Chapter 29

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{Mikey pov}
I pulled up to our house even tho she doesn't live here yet this is still her home she was sleep I got out and went to open her door I picked bridal style I carried her to the door and unlocked it and then opened it and walked upstairs To our room I walked over to the bed and laid her down I took off her shoes and her socks cause I knew she hated sleeping with them on and I pulled the covers over her

I went back down to the car and grabbed all the stuff we got today and brought it in the house then locked the door i started to in bag put stuff and put them up I went in the closet and hung out stuff up I did hers too cause when she come over she don't have to bring anything cause she'll have stuff here already

Once I got done I took my clothes off and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower then got in and let the hot water hit my body

I chuckled to myself thinking about what I wanted to do to that girl in the bathroom

I feel comfortable now knowing she's here with me & she's peaceful and happy right now where she at I can't help but notice when she's with me she seem more relaxed and less worried

I could be wrong tho but I know I'm right
She laid on my chest but she started to wake up cause my hair was still kinda wet from my shower she opened her eyes and took in a deep breath

"You took a shower w/o me....asshole"she said and I laughed

"You smell Good tho"she said turning over and I thanked her

She got up and stripped in front of me and walked to the bathroom

"CAN I JOIN?"I asked her from the bedroom

"NO SIR"she yelled back and I laughed and then heard a knock on the door I got up and walked downstairs to the door and opened it

It wasn't nobody here

I laughed to myself cause it is almost Halloween probably just some kids I closed the door and locked it back and went back upstair then I heard 3 big bangs on my door like the police or sun shit I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my Gun out from under my clothes and I walked out the bed room slowly down the stairs I heard creeping behind me I turned around and it was Katherine I signaled for her to be quiet

{Katherine pov}

He signaled for me to be quiet I seen he had a gun I filled him down the stairs staying on the bottom one and he looked through the peep whole and saw someone running off the porch he opened the door fast and started chasing the person

I ran towards the door

"MICHEAL"I yelled his name he turned the corner I closed the door and ran upstairs dried off and slipped in some of his clothes and grabbed the keys & my phone  then  ran to the car closing the door behind me

And I got in the car and started it and started to to drive the way I seen them run I hit a hard left turn and I drove slowly to see if I saw them it was like 5 something so it was still dark i looked hard I've drove at least 5 streets over

And I can't find him please let him be okay god

I heard a gun shot right around the corner from where I was at i speeded to it and  saw Mikey on the ground

No no no

I stopped the car and got out and ran to him crying
I turned him over and he was covered in blood

"It's not my blood I'm fine"he spoke cutting me off I exhaled

"Oh my god don't do that again"I said hugging him he hugged me back

We got up and walked to the car and got in I started driving back to his house I looked at him he looked pissed

"What happened"I asked them he took a deep breath


I chased after him we turned the corner and then kept straight I sped up

Then he threw a knife at me like in some naruto shit and he missed nigga don't got no aim

"WHAT WAS U DOING AT MY HOUSE"I said still running after him then I sped up even more and tackled him he punched me then I punched him and hit him with the gun he grabbed my hand and we tussled w/ it he pointed it down wards then I turned it to his stomach and I pulled the trigger three times

"AHHH YOUR NEVER GINNA BE SAFE IS YOU DONT LET HIM DEAL WITH HER"he yelled and then he head bumped me hard as hell and I fell I seen he ran away and he was holding his stomach

Blood leaking still

My head was dizzy I felt like I was finna pass out that nigga head gotta be made of medal

I need to get home before kat worries her head to explode

What did he mean "let him deal with her"him who?....

(Flash back over )

"He has to be talking about Meg"she said and I think that too but what if he's not

"And second what if he's dead,what is you killed him"she said as her voice cracked

"It was self defense he came to our home harassing us"I told her and then she pulled up in the drive way and we. Got out and walked in the house

We both went to our room she sat down and rubbed her head

"Baby don't let this stress you"I said making her look at me and I kissed her forhead

"You should go take a shower and get rid of these"she said and I nodded

"Okay baby"I said and then I did as told

Who do you think that was?

How do they know where Mikey stay?

Is it Megan's  baby daddy?

Do you feel that Megan is a threat to there life's ?

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