Chapter 26

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AN: The dress pictured above is what Haley is wearing to midsummers in this chapter!

Also, this will be a long chapter so be prepared!

Side note: I will be changing my username for personal purposes and to match my dedicated TikTok account. Just wanted to let you all know! Once I figure out how to make edits, I will upload some. But go ahead and give me a follow if you would like to! 🤍


Midsummers. An evening for Kooks to celebrate being rich. Or, that's how I always explain it. Because that's basically what it is.

And today, I will be taking part in the festivities.

I'm excited to spend some time with Rafe, seeing as we don't have to hide anymore. Honestly though, I would much rather have a chill night. Maybe watch a movie, cook dinner together and cuddle. But, this is what he wanted so I'm willing to compromise. As long as we plan to do what I want next time.

Mom and I picked up my dress this morning and it fits like a glove. I can't wait for Rafe to see it tonight. Hopefully he loves it as much as I do.

Right now, it's around 4pm and we have to be at the country club around 5:30. I'm sitting at my vanity with my mom behind me as she curls my hair. I put the finishing touches on my makeup and she strikes up a conversation. "So, are you and Rafe walking in together? As your official 'coming out'?"

"He mentioned it. I really didn't want to considering the events of last week and the fact that everyone saw the video of the whole debacle. But if it's what he wants, then I will do it." I say.

She nods her head, "That's good. He must really love you."

I smile, "I hope so."

Mom stays quiet, focusing on finishing my hair. After a while, she says, "Haley, I don't think I've ever seen you as happy as you have been for the past few weeks. It brings me great joy knowing that you have found a man that makes you so happy. And one that loves you. I don't say this enough, but I am so proud of the woman you are becoming."

"Thank you, mom. I am so happy." My eyes meet hers in the mirror and she smiles.

"What about Sarah? Have you talked to her?" She asks.

My face falls, "Not yet. I'm planning on doing it tonight. But we will see how the night goes."

"Please, please talk to her. She is your best friend and I'm sure that if you just talk to her, she will understand. Rose told me that Sarah has seemed really sad for the past week. I'm sure you're the reason." Mom gives me the best advice she can.

"I know, mom." I say, trying to get off the subject. I'm already nervous enough.

She finishes my hair and waits for me to slip on my dress. Mom zips my dress up for me, taking in my appearance. "Honey, you look beautiful."

"Thank you." I smile.

Mom leaves the room to finish getting herself ready. I sit down and put my shoes on. My phone vibrates so I check my messages.

Kiara: Hey! Are you ready for tonight?

Me: Yes! Are you helping Pope or attending the party?

Kiara: Mom thinks I'm going for the party but I'm really going to hang out with the boys.

Me: Hello? What am I? Chopped liver?

Kiara: You too! The only difference is that you will be there with your boyfriend. God, that sounds so weird.

Me: Yeah. It's weird to talk to you about him.

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