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Teneille's POV
I happily sat down in my new chair and just stared out of the window, I just saw in the window someone behind me and just as they were going to grab my shoulders I quickly leaned forward and hopped off the chair and did a crouch spin to see Smith. "What do you want," I asked him whilst standing up.
"I heard what happened between you and Ross."
"Shut it," I say pointing at him not wanting him to say anymore.
"No, its not generally about that but the way that Chris acted whist you were there is completely different to now."
"What do you mean?"
"He is going all big brother on Ross, I was able to escape without them seeing."

I start walking to the Hat room and all I hear just as I'm about to open the door is Trott sort of yelling sort of just saying.
"You're one of my best friends and she is my sister." I open the door and walk in and see them standing in the middle of the room.
"So bloody what," Ross say before noticing that I had walked in. I cleared my throat they both said at the same time.
"What!" Then Ross just angrily walked out the door almost pushing Smith over.
"Teneille, I'm sorry," Trott said, "I kinda when all big brother on Ross."
"You sure as hell did, why though!" Smith tried to slowly slither out. "Oh no you don't you have heard to much so you may as well hear the rest of it," I grabbed his arm and pulled him back in.
"Because I didn't get to when you were in high school I guess I just lost it when I saw Ross hug you," he said trying to make it sound like a cover.
"I never dated anyone in high school I always kept to myself and I didn't like anyone at all, so bloody let me lo..." I stopped mid word and walked out.
"Teneille!" Trott called after me.
"Let her blow off some steam Chris." I grabbed my bag, put my headphones in and begun to walk home, trying to not dance to the song that I listened to. I walked all the way home as it wasn't that far and put my bags down and the song 'Young Volcanos' by Fall Out Boy came on and I retardedly danced to it. I kept dancing and jumping around to good songs until I got tired and sat down and just listened to them when I got a text from Sir Trottimus as he called himself in my contacts. (Chris-C, Teneille-T)
C- "Hey did you walk home."
T- "Yeah."
C- "Did you see Ross on the way, I know you walk fast and he probably didn't."
T- "Ummm, no I didn't, why?"
C- "Smith tried calling him and texting."
T- "I could go see if he is home."
C- "Im coming home soon so I will go."
T- "No for the same reason that he is not texting Smith back he wont answer the door to you."
C- "Good point see you in a bit."
I look over at the clock it was 6 already so I decided to walk over to Ross's place. When I get there I knock but there is no answer but I see out of the corner of my eye that a light in his place turns off so I text him. "Nice try but I saw the light turn off." After about a minute he opens the door, he doesn't say anything he just stands back so I can walk in. "Say something at least I'm not here to talk about what happened."
"If not that what then."
"I just wanted to see if you were alright you nearly barrelled Smith over as you walked out the door." He just looks at the ground looking sort of guilty. "I'm sorry," he says before walking upstairs. I follow him and see he closes his door and so I walk down and shut the front door pretending like I was leaving but then I walked around the side where his room is and climbed up the side it was a bit difficult as I had to use a tiny window sill and the fence. I held onto the window he had it open so I climbed in and gave him a fright. "What," he wipes his face like he has been crying, "how did you do that." I go over and sit beside him.
"Magic, now stop crying and look happy cos we are going out to dinner." He wipes his face one more time and stands up pulling me up with him. He pulls me in for a hug we stand there for a bit and then he takes my hand and we drive to Mc Donald's then he drives to a park and we eat our dinner there.

Ross's POV:
I look over at her and she just leans back and looks at the sky, she looks so peaceful so beautiful. Teneille turns and looks at me she smiles then takes ahold of my hand and I lie down beside her and we just look up at the sky hand in hand. I don't know how long we had been there but my phone buzzes I sit up and take it out its from Trott. "Bring her home safely."
"Don't worry mate I will." I smile and look down at her she has her eyes closed so I pick her up and drive her home. Just as I'm lifting her out of the car she wakes up but just grabs onto me tighter. I knock on the door and Trott immediately opens it, he has a kinda worried look on his face. "She's fine mate, just asleep," he sighs and lets me inside. I put her down on her bed but she doesn't let me go. "I have to go, Trott will kill me if I spend the night with you."
"No don't go, stay please I will kill him first if that makes you feel any better." I get in and lie beside her she lets go of my neck and cuddles up to me. I soon find myself also going to sleep.

Soz n0t s0z about the creepy pic

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