C h a p t e r T h r e e

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Serena and James hadn't talked for a while now...

But that was how it's supposed to be they weren't friends they were just mere acquaintances.

Serena didn't noticed at first but James Potter wasn't the only person she had isolated herself from.

Constant fighting with her parents about joining the Dark Lords side and the pressure she felt upon her made her barely talk to anyone anymore.

She was eating and sleeping less she was more anxious than ever and all she did to take her mind of was studying.

It was the 3rd period and that meant potions with Gryffindor .
Serena had barely gotten four hours of sleep that night and caused her to be sleepy all morning and arrive to class a few minutes late .

"Professor I'm sorry I'm late it want happen again " Serena said pretending that she actually cared

"It's alright ms Carrow now please take a sit" Slughorn replied smiling politely at the blonde student

Serena sat in the only sit available not bothering to look who was sitting beside her

"Well I haven't seen you in a while" a familiar voice said to her which for some reason recognised immediately

"Oh piss of Potter" she said her voice exposing her tiredness , not even turning to look at him

"Ms Carrow , mr Potter please be quiet"
Slughorn said
"Sorry professor" both replied

"Now as I was saying the person sitting next to you will be your partner for this project and you will have 1 month to complete the potion that I will explain in this lesson" he stated

"So can anyone tell me what
absconditus retinentia is?" Slughorn asked looking around "Yes ms Carrow"

"Absconditus retinentia is a potion that makes the one taker see a hidden memory of the other and vice-versa, but that applies for only one memory per dose, and it takes one month to be brewed since it's main ingredient is flos lunaris a flower that only blossoms on a full moon and it's also quite rare to find may I add" the blonde replied

"Excellent ms Carrow , 20 points on Slytherin, I expect you and mr Potter to excel in this project" the professor said looking proud by the girls knowledge

Class was over and Serena quickly grabbed her staff and exit the classroom when James Potters voice called her name

"What do you want Potter" Serena turned around to face him
"Relax Carrow I just wanted to ask you when are first study date will be" James said giving her a gentle smile

"Study date?" the blonde asked confused
"Yeah you know for potions" he answered
"Right I don't know , how about Wednesday noon at the black lake" Serena was so tired she hadn't even realised that in order to finish the project she had to work him but she didn't let that show

"How about now?" he proposed
"Now?" She asked him her eyes wide open

"I mean I know for a fact that you have 2 free periods now just like I am so why not now" he answered with confidence

"And how do you know that Potter , stalking much ?" She teasingly said leaning a bit closer to him

"Oh I just have my ways Carrow" he smirked as he also leaned a bit closer to her face

James took advantage of their position to take a look at the beautiful girl standing in front of him with the silky blonde waves and the sky blue eyes that were perfectly complemented by the light freckles surrounding them ,
she was nothing like Lily he thought...

But James quickly snapped out of his thoughts

"So are we going to start the project or what, Potter?" she asked confused by the way he looked at her

"Umm yeah, but not in the library I hate it there let's go to the quidditch pitch" he shook his head a bit and gestured for her to go first

They worked in silence for about an hour , James often glanced over the blonde girl who was to concentrated on their project to notice

She look tired , her skin was paler and her eyes had taken a slightly downward direction from tha lack of sleep but she was still really pretty ,
he thought throwing one more glance at her before moving his attention back to the project

After a while James decided to break the silence between them but before he even turned around to face her he felt a small weight on his shoulder .

He looked down to see the blonde peacefully sleeping and after a slight debate he had with himself he picked her up and and headed to the Gryffindor tower...

I'm surrendering tonight [J.P]Where stories live. Discover now