it's a one-shot book that has lots of parts enjoy it also like the ones I hat are older are trash like pleaseeee don't judge I was knew but now I'm true
1 in kehlani out of 1.7k stories
1 in Yung Miami out of 49 stories
I woke up and looked around I saw it was dark which means I woke up before ivy. I grabbed my camera and turned it on. " morning guys so we promised a day in the life so we given it so right now I'm up before bae so I need to wake her up" I said. I walked over and sat the camera on her side of the bed.
I layed back in the bed and started kissing all over her face. She opened her eyes and smiled " good morning baby " she said in her sleepy voice. I grabbed the camera and held it up so they could see both of us.
" so y'all today me and bae have a very busy day but we gonna go ahead and do our morning routine. " I said standing up. I turned off the camera.
They just got out the shower if you don't know what happens in the shower then you shouldn't be reading this.
Ivy pov
As soon as we got out the shower I wrapped a towel around myself." So guys Megan has someone else do her makeup but I have to get to work so first i do my skin care first I use Tata Harper purifying cleansers " I said rubbing it into my face.
" then I use my ordinary Hyaluronic Acid solution " I said dropping some of the droplets on my face. " last I take some drunk elephant Protini Polypeptide Crea m " I said scooping some in my hand.
So guys I am all done with my skin routine so today I have a meeting so I will try to dress casual so I'm just gonna do lashes and lip gloss" I said grabbing my lashes I got from a promo. " y'all that are new are like what does she have a meeting for I own a business so I have to do that stuff believe it or not I am usually not that busy but this is an important meeting " I said
I walked downstairs and saw Megan getting her hair done by Kellon . " baby come here " Megan said reaching her hand out. " yes babe " I said looking her in her eyes. " why you ain't dressed don't you gotta meeting " she asked I scrunched up my face. " first I do but I was coming to see if you was hungry I was gonna cook for you I'm over here thinking you bout to gimme a kiss tell me you love me but you gonna ask me why I'm not dressed " I went off on her. She grabbed my neck and gave me a kiss. " I love you baby " she wispered into my lips. " I love you too babe " I said as she let go. " but I am about to get dressed " I said walking upstairs.
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" ok guys so today I went with a clueless look I'm feeling it what what do you think " I said showing the camera my outfit " ok so y'all I'm about to leave for my meeting so let's go say bye to Megan " I said walking out the bathroom. " bae you like my outfit " I said doing a 360 twirl." Yes babe you look amazing but if you wanted to be the same height as me just say that " she said making Jonathan and the rest of her friends laugh. I just rolled my eyes. " anyways I'm about to leave for my meeting guys so I will see y'all when I get there " I said turning of my camera. I walked over and gave Megan a kiss. " bye Ivy girl you look amazing " Jonathan said causing me to do a twirl. " Thank you " I said walking out .
Once I made it to my building I walked in. " so guys here we are at hottie headquarters me and Megan's business but mostly mine so first we are gonna go in my office " I said walking into my pink office
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I sat down and turned back on the camera. " ok guys I made it to my office which if you follow me on tictok you have seen before now I still have 25 minutes till my meeting so I will be answering some questions " I said opening up my Insta." Ok guys first question iloveivy asked how old are you i am 25 " I said scrolling down looking for another question. " next this one is kinda rude but I will answer cause I'm a boss ass bitch how are you a business owner at 25 without help first of all I did have help number 2 I am very successful on my own" I said letting my New York accent peek out." Where are you from well I am from New York you can only hear it in my voice sometimes. " I said smiling at a question. " someone asked me to marry them sorry baby but I'm dating Megan oh here's a question why has Megan not purposed yet well I don't know y'all should ask her that ok her is the last question do you want kids and if so how many I do want kids and I want 3 of them ok guys time for my meeting I will talk to y'all when I'm leaving " I said turning off the camera.
Megan's pov
" Jonathan you ready to go " I said standing at the door cause he was taking for ever. " come here Meg " I heard him yell. I walked in and saw all of them sitting there. " what is this an intervention " I laughed sitting down. " listen Meg we love you and all but we need to talk " Kelsey said putting her hand on my leg. " so lately we have been seeing that you been acting different like wanting to hang out less or not coming to the club with us so we want to ask you something " Jonathan said putting his arm on my shoulder. " is ivy abusing you " my friend Kayla said. I bust out laughing."no she is not Abusing me y'all she just wants to spend time with me how she gonna abuse me when I'm taller and slightly bigger then her " I said laughing soon they joined in. " if y'all mad I haven't been hanging out with y'all just say that " i said standing back up.
" actually I will hang out with y'all for the rest of the day " I said confidentiality knowing Ivy is gonna be angry. " ok girl that's your ass not ours " Kelsey said making Jonathan and the others laugh.
Ivy pov ( she's driving home )
" so guys currently I am about to go grocery shopping and then imma go home but first imma call Megan " I said looking at my apple car play while at a stop light. I clicked on Megan's contact bae💜😩.
Bae💜😩: y'all need to stop playing hey bae whassup
Me: hey baby I'm about to go grocery shopping do you need anything
Bae💜😩: No thank you baby
Me: what time do you think you will be home Tonight babe
I heard some wispering in the background but imma just ignore it.