Chapter 4: moving day

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Katsuki Bakugo

"Oi, Shit Hair! C'mere!"

"Sure bro! Be there in a second!"

Like a faithful lapdog, the red haired idiot I lived with came bounding into the room, eyes scouting for either me or my source of worry. After scoping the perimeter, he calmed his ass down, and simply asked "what's up?"

"Got a new job, permanent residence. I need your freakish arms to move my shit out."

"Wh-you're moving out?! Bro....that's sorta unmanly but I get that you need the money...."

"Oh cut the bullshit! All the boxes are packed, just put them in the front room and I'll get the van driver I hired to give you a hand loading them. I guess I can help you when we get there"

"I dunno bro...I might cry about helping you leave...I mean, Denki is gonna lose it!"

"Denki never had it. Now get your ass out of here before I scorch it with a blowtorch"

"We have a blowtorch?"

"No, you two don't. I do."

"Aw man!"

Despite his genuine sadness about me moving out, he trundled off to my...I guess old room to collect my few boxes of stuff. In all honesty, I could've done this all myself, but why the fuck would I when I live with a goddamn muscle freak like him? It'd be like living with a chef and eating only pre-made stuff!

Kicking back on the sofa for the final time, I decided to delete all of Kaminari's recorded shows, just as a little parting gift. It was such a relief he wasn't here, I didn't want to hear his shit about how much he'll miss me. Besides, I wasn't a total sadist, so I didn't go anywhere near the recently deleted section, so he could restore them all if he found them within seven days. Although, there was more chance of a ballerina doing a Charleston than that. He was as dumb as he was annoying, and he's fucking annoying.

Perhaps with Shit Hair's help he could survive...the two had managed before without me. 'Managed'...might actually be the wrong word. When I'd moved in, there'd been black mould in the bathroom, the bed creaked like it was a porn set, and the television had a smaller screen than a sparrow's wingspan. It was a wonder the duo hadn't become fat actually, seeing as all they seemed to eat was various junk foods. With Shit Hair, I got it, since he spent hours a day at the gym, but Kaminari? His metabolism must be on some hellishly strong stuff to be working that fast!

But anyway, my resting period on the couch was rudely interrupted by Shit Hair's announcement that him and the van driver (who had failed to announce his arrival) were ready to leave. I sighed, walked to the kitchen, pulled out Kaminari's favourite mug, smashed it on the floor, and stomped out, eager to be rid of this godforsaken apartment.

The drive over to Shoto's Manor House was a relatively simple one, and done in complete silence, other than Shit Hair's self-indulgent mumbling about where we were going. I didn't cave in to it, just sat staring forward until eventually, the familiar large gates greeted us. The three of us were searched, albeit the fact that a weird white van filled with boxes seemed not to arouse suspicion among the guards surprised me. It might be worth mentioning that to Shoto at some point...

The unloading process was easy enough, with three of us to do it. Once the driver was away, Shit Hair and I started carrying things to the room Shoto had briefly showed me yesterday. Just my luck, it was upstairs, so the walk was pretty far from the entrance to my area, which made carrying things to and from somewhat tedious. Still though, the job was soon done, which left my idiot friend time to gawk at the house in a similar fashion I had just yesterday.

"You got a job here?!"

"Yeah. Personal assistant"


"Oh, just Shoto Todoroki~" I bragged, soaking in the ego boost from Shit Hair's shocked face.

"As in the Shoto Todoroki? Bro, he's like the richest dude ever!"

"Don't be an idiot. He's the richest guy in the city, not the whole country! Besides, money isn't everything..."

Ha! That's hypocritical, huh? God I hate that about myself. Sometimes, my ego just can't handle the fact that I'm stuck in a shitty financial situation, and I spout defensive crap like that! Stop being so sensitive, dumbass!

"I guess so bro! Well, I gotta dash, but you can visit anyti-"

"I won't. Bye."


It has to be said, I felt almost bad for the loser as he walked away, absently glancing at the paintings littering the hallway. It was only once he'd left the house that Shoto appeared from an adjacent room, as if he'd been hiding from him.

"...he your boyfriend?"

"Uh, no. Why?"

"Oh, just thought with the way you spoke to each other. Never mind!"

See what I mean? Baseless, blatantly wrong accusations. Bold judgements of unfamiliar characters. No remorse or apology for rudeness. This...this'll be difficult to contend with.

"Now come on! I wanna see what you've done with the room!"

"I haven't unpacked yet"

"What?! But I want a toooouuuur!!!" He whined like a baby, and so I rolled my eyes and turned, making towards my new bedroom. I heard him call out after me, but I didn't really listen. I wasn't in the mood for his nonsense.

This might be a tougher job than I thought...

Shoto Todoroki

"Room tour! Room tour! Room tour! Room tour!"

I'm sorry guys, I want to write longer chapters than this, but I also don't wanna rush into things 😅

Fact of the Day: ROOM TOUR!!!

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