Out to prove something

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' He looked at her the way she needed to be looked at. Like the world could crumble and he wouldn't blink......Atticus

The wind was strong up at the top of the castle. It whipped Benjamin Solo's black hair into his eyes as he read the missive again.
He swiped the offensive hair out of his field of vision and reread the summons to Naboo. King Dameron from Naboo  was looking for the strongest and bravest men to join his knights of Ren.

This is the perfect opportunity to showcase his power and greatness!

He will prove to King Dameron that he is the best and bravest knight that has ever lived!

Benjamin Solo lived and breathed to prove himself. He never lost in a battle or combat training.

He wasted no time in making arrangements to travel to Naboo.

What could possibly go wrong?

When Ben finds himself on the shores of Naboo, his struggles began.    

          Coming up over a rise on a hill, Benjamin stoped to admire the view.  It was spectacular.  He gazed upon green hills dotted with trees and wild flowers as far as the eye could see. 
The wind had a slight chill coming down from the snow capped mountains. Spring time in Naboo was breathtaking. 
    The spray from the thousand foot waterfall could be seen clearly in the distance.  He knew from asking for directions that the city was at the foot of those awe inspiring falls.

        He urged his mount onward, feeling pleased with his decision to come to King Poe's court.  At least the planet was beautiful.
Some said he was impulsive and hasty. Making the decision to travel to the inner rim to be a waste of time and he could be better off staying at home. But he felt the pull to  go and serve this  great king. 

Amazing thing will happen , he was sure of it!

           Finding a horse path, Benjamin followed it.   The quiet peacefulness of the morning was disturbed by the sound of rushing horses heading towards him.

     Two noble women on horse back flew past him, looking  like they were distressed and afraid.  Were they being chased by a highway man?
Soon there was a man coming up behind them ,  swiftly closing the distance.


  Just what he needed to display his incredible , perfect  fighting skills. He hadn't rescued a damsel in distress in at least a week!

He was lucky, there were two damsels to rescue.  He could almost hear their tearful praises and gushing gratitude  in his  mind.

      He turned his horses head , and charged after the villain.  The  man did not stand a chance.
Ben flung himself off of his horse and lunged at the man, knocking him to the ground. 

     He had  the wind knocked out of him and had the unfortunate  moment of seeing Ben's fist before it connected to his face.

      Ben waited until the man regained consciousness before putting a dagger to his throat. 

        "May I have your name , before I run you through?"  Growled Ben to the helpless man on the ground.

         The two women had returned . One of them gasped while the other tried not to laugh.

   Well , that wasn't quite the reaction he was expecting after he just saved their lives.

     "Your majesty, are you injured?" The one who gasped spoke words that sent a chill down Ben's spine.

     Poe looked past his assailant, wiped the blood off of his lip, spit the dirt out of his mouth and smiled.

     " That was delightful! I've never felt anything quite like it !" Poe was nearly giddy with joy. "I still can't catch my breath!"

The horror at the revelation that Ben had knocked the king of Naboo off of his horse, smashed his fist in his face and then held a knife to his throat nearly had him undone.

Shock and mortification coursed through his veins. He had never felt such embarrassment and shame in all his thirty years of life.

Finally he found his voice as he watched the king struggle to get to his feet. Ben impulsively reached out to help Poe up and nearly pushed him over again.

" Oh, sire , you must forgive me! I did not know it was you!" Ben plead . He just knew he'd be sent to the gallows for this .

"Of course I forgive you. Sir, you must come with us back to the castle. You had proved to me that you must be one of my knights. No trial will be required. What do you say sir to my generous offer?"   Ben was left momentarily speechless.

       No , he had to prove himself first!
  He had to be sent on missions and crusades and win fights on the field of battle, before he would be   deemed worthy to be a knight.

Poe held out his hand to Ben in a friendly greeting. Ben took it , a little overwhelmed at the kings benevolence.
  Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone  approach. It had to be one of the women he had unsuccessfully rescued.  That had never happened before, and he was again mortified at his ineptitude.

        Both men turned and looked at the woman standing there. She wasn't really a woman at all, just a young thing barely twenty and three.

   Ben felt the earth shift beneath his feet and the color drain from his face.
         He had never beheld a more elegant, alluring and haughty face in his life.

   Queen Reyna stood there assessing Ben with what was obvious scorn.  Hands on her hips , lips pursed in disdain. 
  She disliked him immediately.  What was this Blackguard doing , knocking the King of Naboo off of his horse and making himself  quite comfortable with her husband ?

       Poe liked him instantly, but she wasn't going to accept this strange, oddly tall and awkward foreigner any time soon.

       Ben felt the ground shift again as he tried not to stare at her graceful face.

         He didn't know it , but he had just met his undoing.



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