The Wraith Appears

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Kabane's POV

The fiery spirit stood in front of us. The visage of a man bathed in flame with his skin blackened and charred, his clothes singed and still on fire while his eyes burned by themselves like a candle. He looked at us seemingly annoyed at our presence. Inugami-san kept a hand in front of me to keep the ghost from injuring me... or to keep me from destroying him.

Inugami "so you're Karl, the one responsible for the burning of the whole estate..."

Karl sighed. When his mouth opened, thick black smoke came pouring out and rising up through the opened ceiling. It smells like cigarette smoke.

Karl "Yes... I'm Karl."

Inugami "Why... why do all this?"

Karl " 'why' you ask? Because that's what they deserved."

Inugami "What did your family even do to deserve this?"

The flaming ghost broke eye-contact and walked slowly until he was in front of the window, looking out towards the charred mist-covered gardens.

Karl "Do you believe in supernatural creatures?"

Inugami "Huh? Why ask me?"

Karl "Don't know. Just look the type."

Inugami didn't answer. After a while, Karl continued without waiting for a response.

Karl "I believe they exist. In fact, I've seen many with my own eyes..."

He turned his head slightly until it was aimed at me.

Karl "Tell me, do you know what you hold there?"

I looked down at the doll in my hands and back at Karl.

Karl "That's one of them. A wretched little toy the old man brought home for that little shit-stain that plagues my existence."

My breath became heavy from hearing his words.

Karl "You know... I used to kill things like those. Things like the two of you..."

Inugami-san and I reeled back slightly.

Karl "Things... like Him..."

Inugami "(Y/N)?... He's a kemono?"

Karl "that what you call them? I usually just call them 'monsters'. A bit more fitting than some 'mythical Japanese being.'"

Inugami "What kind of kemono is he?"

Karl looked at Inugami with disdain for bringing up the question.

Karl "Don't know. Ask my wife, what fucked her while I was out on duty. Because whatever that thing is, it isn't mine. Even had him tested, DNA don't match up."

The infernal ghost took a small pause before continuing.

Karl "Know what I hate even more than monsters? Half-breeds. To think that creatures like those can reproduce with us humans? Disgusting. Makes my skin crawl."

His eyes met mine, and a sinister frown stretched it's way across his face.

Karl "And the results are even worse up-close."

I'm not sure how much more of his voice I can take. I feel like I'm ready to rip his throat open just to get him to shut up.

I began to shake from the rage that kept growing ever stronger. This man had a family, a child who wanted to play with him, a wife who loved him, and a father figure who he could turn to when he's confused, and yet he burned them all to ash...

If only I had all those things... I'd cerish them all with everything I've got...!

Inugami "Kabane. Do it."

Kabane "huh?"

I looked up to Inugami-san. He looked at the brink of killing out of rage as well.

Inugami "Do it. Destroy this ghost. Punch him with everything you've got and make sure there's nothing left for Hell to take!"

My eyes slowly turned towards Karl. He looked annoyed and got to a defensive stance.

Ghost or not, no power is gonna save you from this...

I put the doll down on a nearby table for a moment and winded my right arm around as I gathered all the strength I have.

I put one leg behind me and leaped forward, launching my fist at an arc and connected the punch square in the middle of Karl's face. The spectral apparition shattered and screaming as he is removed from this reality - hopefully being sent back to Hell where he belongs.

We took a moment to breathe and regain ourselves, cooling off from our rage. Our moment of silence was cut short however, by the sound of a book that hit the ground. Looking at it's direction, we saw the rotting corpse of a child standing upright, wearing a funeral gown, it's transparent black veil awash in front of eyeless sockets and a mouth who's lips can no longer shut.

The wraith has appeared...

Wraith "Why have you entered this home? Why have you taken His favourite toy? Speak."

The being's decayed mouth stayed unmoving, yet we heard the voice echo and distort. It demanded to know why we're here.

Inugami "The boy who lived here, (Y/N). He's not dead. We want to help him."

Wraith "Leave, he is mine. His conscious stirs in a dream, and I keep him safe."

Inugami "He can't stay here. We want to free him."

Wraith "Freedom leads to harm. That wretched man has proven my words so."

Inugami "We're going to free him."

Wraith "...leave."

Inugami "No. Not until the boy has been freed."

The wraith shrieked and charged towards Inugami-san. I was about to intervene but before I did, he opened a bag filled with some sort of powder which covered the wraith. The being howled in agony as it writhed around wildly. Maybe it's my eyes playing tricks on me, but I could swear the wraith looked slightly more... corporeal.

Inugami "Kabane! Punch it, now!"

Hearing my orders, I reeled my arm back and gathered my energy before lunging forward with another heavy punch. Unfortunately, It didn't land. The wraith disappeared. As we looked around for it, I felt as if my back had been pressed with a block of ice. Turning around, I saw it floating in a hallway. The lights flickered as it charged towards me. I didn't have time to dodge or brace and neither did Inugami, but before the wraith got to me... the doll intervened.

It flew ahead of me and when the wraith came into contact with it, a blinding flash of white light erupted, forcing me to close my eyes as. In barely a second, I felt my head become light. All traces of thought disappeared from me as I fell to the ground and my consciousness drift into white...

No, Kabane is not dead, don't worry. Sorry it took me so long to update this. I sort of lost interest and just left the story but I've recently regained my flare so hopefully I can keep it going!

Wraith (Kabane x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now