Katrina's 'part time job'(Jatrina) 2/15

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Katrina cleared her throat and pretended that she didn't see her girlfriend with the concerned look on her face.

"You're amazing!" Someone in the crowd said. The player slid Katrina about 42k which left Janet shook. "Thank you. I appreciate it." Katrina smiled and said vainly. When she said that,it was like she was disguising her voice. Her accent was nonexistent. She was like a whole different person.

Janet dully looked at Katrina and walked off. Katrina quickly put all the money in a bag she bought and got up. "Um- I'll be right back." Katrina steadily said as she walked through the crowd.

"Janet!" Katrina called out as she caught up with her girlfriend. Janet kept walking. "Janet wait let me explain." Katrina said as she grabbed Janet's hand and stopped her. Janet sighed deeply. "What?" She said and turned around. Katrina looked baffled. "I.." Katrina cleared her throat. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you anything about this..I thought that.." The Russian paused. Janet looked at her girlfriend. "Well why didn't you??" Janet questioned. Katrina looked around slightly. "I—" before the Katrina could finish what she was about to say,Carol retreated to Janet. "Woo! That took forever. Oh? Hi Katrina,hows work goin?" Carol asked happily. "What the— you knew?!" Janet asked. Katrina slapped her forehead. "Yeah? She told me the day she got the job,where she worked." Carol put in. Janet turned around back to Katrina with a disappointed look on her face. "I just thought you would think down at me because of it!" Katrina implied. Janet got caught of guard by that response and sighed slightly. "Katrina..." Janet said quietly. Carol looked at them both of them confusingly. "I'll just..give you a moment.." she said as she backed away.

Carol walked away to go play some cards with a few people leaving the couple standing there awkwardly in silence. Katrina felt disappointed in herself that she didn't tell her girlfriend about how she got her money and then lied to her about having an actual job. However, Janet understood how Katrina felt.  Gambling wasn't really the most proud moneymaking situation to have. But all really Katrina had to do was ask and they could've found a decent job for her together. Janet wasn't mad,Just a little discouraged. "you don't have to be upset Katrina. I understand where you're coming from." Janet said to calm her girlfriend down. That still didn't make things any better on Katrina's part. She hated that Janet had to find out like this. "you could've told me I swear. I wouldn't have judged." Janet smiled as she got closer to Katrina. Katrina kept her head down slightly. She mumbled slight apologies under her breath. Janet lifted her chin up. " besides all that... You look absolutely stunning." Janet laughed. Katrina chuckled. "You too." She responded. "Maybe even better." Katrina smiled and added. Janet cocked an eyebrow. "it's cute, but flirting won't get you out of this." Janet said steadily. Katrina laughed slightly until she realized Janet was serious. "You owe me." Janet sighed. Katrina blushed slightly. "Owe you what..?" Katrina asked nervously. "Gamble with me Katrina." Janet replied. Katrina was shook by the request. "Gamble?? Really?" Katrina asked surprisingly. "Yeah." Janet said as she grabbed the Russian's arm pulling her in. "I want to win against you."

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