As we flew to the meeting grounds, mom explained what Earth is.
"Earth is the plane where God put his newest creations, humans, they call Earth their home. It has many places that we can visit when we go there. God made Earth just for the humans but we can pass through it like today when the vail between us and Earth is lifted and we can walk on Earth. We have been there plenty of times, once when the Jews were being held by a cruel king, and of corse when Jesus needed us." Mom went on and on about Earth and its history, I just simplely let her blabble on.
Once we got to the meeting place all the angel started to sing. I closed my eyes and listened to the sweet melody. I do not know the song for only angels can know this song and since I'm a half-breed I cant learn it. Once the melody was over a giant portal opened up in front of us. It glowed a bright pure white, like the robes the angels wear. I stepped forward with mom, and down we went into the portal. I dont know how to describe the portal, it was like a flight of stairs that we never really touched.
"This is the pathway to Heaven, humans use it when they die." Mom had this distant look as did the others. I dont understand, what they were staring at. Suddenly there was a flash of light and we landed in some park. I held onto moms hand, scared.
"Alright honey from here we go where we please, first lets go find your father so you can finally meet him." She smiled and led me away from the group of angels. Mom looked happy but sad.
My mother never talks about my father, even if I ask her about him she just says he was a nice man and then it gets dropped. Mom did not speak, she just kept walking, almost like her life depended on it. I looked around, everything was bright and new but also scary. I held on to moms hand tighter, she looked back and smile sweatly before looking ahead again.
"I'm taking you to the place where I meet your father." her tone was happy but bitterly sad. We reached a open field.
"This use to be a club, this is where we meet."
"And this is where we danced until about 10, then we went off to have some fun." a mans voice echoed from behind us. Mom turned around and smiled. The man walked up, staring at mom and I.
"Hello, Selena, its been a long time." the man stopped in front of us. I hide behind mom.
"Is that her? Our daughter?"
"Yes. Sweetie this is your father, come say hi." She stepped aside, I looked at my father, a man I did not know anything about.
"H-hi." I wishper. He walked towards me. I stepped back, wishing I had my wings to hide behind. He laughed softly and patted my head, Mom laughed and walked to us, putting her hands on my shoulders.
"I'm sorry for how she is acting, many of the angels tormented her when she was little. Even my brother tormented her. I had to keep her in a room, made just for her."
"So she does not know how to act around others." Father spoke quietly. I did not understand why father looked so mad about that.
"In hell, everyone fears me, so she would be treated like the princess that she is. Speaking of which, a princess should have a crown." With that father placed a beautiful gold crown with onyx and diamond stones in it. Mother clapped saying I would make a beautiful princess. I smiled and giggled.
"Your laugh is like the soft ringing of bells, so sweet." We left the field and walked to a resurant, a nice little family owned and run place. Father told me to order anything I want. I order a hamburger, and cake and ice cream. Father jokingly asked if I had a hollow lag, I did not understand. Mother said she would explain it to me later. After we were finished we went to a park. The park was huge, and filled with trees, and flowers of every type. A women was dancing in the forest of flowers, her golden blond hair flowing in the breeze, her dress swirling around her like a ocean of beauty. "Is she an angel?" I questioned mom.
"No, sweetie, she is a human but her soul is pure, so she could become an angel" her eyes followed the human dancer. We walked to a private part of the park, were we could be together without others seeing. I walked around, feeling the flowers and trees, watching each bug move. Mom and father just watched me. After I saw everything that was here, I sat down next to them.
"Sweetie, how are you enjoying Earth ?"
"Its fun, mom. Do we have to return to heaven?"
"I have too. But you can go to either heaven or hell."
"You are a host of heaven and hell, but you can't stay on Earth. Unless you have been cast out of either."
"Cast out?"
My father cleared his throat.
"You would be kicked out." I looked at my hands.
"Isn't that want uncle Michael wanted God to do?" I questioned looking at mom. Father growled softly.
"No daughter of mine will be cast out of anywhere. She can come live with me if Michael has an issue." A shadow flashed over us as a young man walked towards us.
"Father, who are you talking too?" The young man questioned. I looked at him, he was handsome, dark chocolate hair, bright green eyes and pale skin, skin just like mine.
"I am talking to the angel of my dreams and our daughter. What do you want?" His voice turned icey, cutting through me like a blade. The boy most have felt it also because he stepped back.
"Father, I have a message for you from the king." His eyes watched father, watching every move. Father stood up, and walked towards the boy.
"The king can wait, today I am a human, not his right hand. He can wait until midnight tonight." With that he turned around was walked towards us.
"Its about your half breed daughter." Everything seemed to freeze.
"Michael, wishes to get rid of her if she returns to heaven, the revenaging angels are being awakened, getting ready to hunt her when she tries to go to heaven. She must return with us. That is the message the king sent." He stood there, staring at me. I did not understand, why am I a threat to the angels.
"No, Michael would not hurt her, God has a protection order on her. How could he kill her?" Mother looked like she was ready to cry. I was clueless.
"Then she must come to hell with me, she will be safe there until Michael stops hunting her. No angel can live in hell but a half breed can." Father spook slowly. The young man stood there, staring at me. I stood up and walked over to him.
"What is your name? Why do you call my father, father?" I looked him in the eyes.
"I can not tell you. And he is my father, he took me in when I was left to die."
"Do you not have a name?"
"I do have a name, I just can not tell you until you make a decision. Die or live?"
I had to pick to live or to die, leave my mother or live with my father. I stood there, scared, shaking.
"Why does he want me dead? What have I done to him?" I shakingly asked no one. Mother was the first to speak, her soft voice laced with sorrow "he's hated you from the moment you were born, because you were made by an angel and an demon, and not God." Mother got up, shaking and wrapped her arms around me. "Pick staying alive, do not worry about me sweetie, go with your father and in a million years well see each other again I promise." Mother cried for the first time. Tears running down her now rose colored cheeks.
"I don't want to leave you mom, please there has to be another way?" I started to freak. The young man grabbed my shoulder.
"Princess, you must pick. Live or die?" His bright green eyes stared into my babyboy blue eyes, which were sprinkling with tears.
My voice trembled as I spoke "I choose..."
Babygirl1850: heys guys, how are you liking the story so far, is it good, bad? Leave your comments and let me know :)

Half Angel and half devil
FantasyAn half angel and half devil is born and no one is happy about it. She is a monster that should not be alive but some how it lives. Now she must find out which side is stronger, the devil or the angel. *The picture is not mine, I got it from google...