Chapter 26: Week Long Weekend

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Rowan explained his story many times now, but the last time was to Leon. Ire had messaged them that Rowan came back, but Rowans phone was in his bag, which was sucked away by The Gealnado so they had to meet up to speak.

Rowan and Piper went up to Leons (after letting them know), and they hung out on the secret beach.
"Wow!" Rowan said out of nowhere, "I just noticed, you two look like Charlie and Lola!"
"C'mon." Piper laughed.
"That's not a bad name, if you still not found one."
"Charlie?" They asked, "...yea I dunno. We should name the band first."'
Piper suggested 'Seven Autumns In A Row' but it didn't go anywhere.

Leon was the most unsure of Rowans pitch. They hadn't been with SunGlass City to see their world, but still believed Rowan, after all the sky went red. They said they would still be in the band at least and play with them.

That night Rowan began a plan to build a 'Sky Suit' as he called it. A suit to fly into the sky like the Zazus papers showed. One with a radio and camera and internal controls (the initial ideas were a lot cooler then what they would end up with).

Tom said she didn't want the band at hers so the next day the six met up in SunGlass City.
"You guys build this place?" Leon asked, amazed at the circle and the hanging glass all around.
"It was all Wolf." Ire told.
"It's amazing."
"Thanks." Wolf said all shy.

Rowan showed everyone his plans for the sky suit, and as they spoke about what the sky could be Tom paid no attention and made Leon a daisy chain.
"Guess you're used to this." Ire asked Leon, "No school."
"Yea, it's fun right? Y'know I saw the first tornado." They said, "It was when we were rehearsing the show. Shame it didn't suck it up."
"I'm the only one who actually has school then?" Piper said.
"Oh ye!"
"Aren't they gonna notice?" Wolf asked.
"Maybe." She shrugged, "No one cares though. They liked me for a week because I could speak Welsh, then they forgot."

As they spoke about writing an original song for the band, Tom followed a cool bug and left.
"We should all write one verse of the same song and take turns to sing." Rowan said.
"That's good." Leon agreed, fixing the daisies on their head.
"Yea that's fun." Ire added.
"What would it be about?" Wolf asked.
"Anything." Leon said.
Wolf was glad Tom wasn't there to bring up the mushroom man.
"Just not a love song." Rowan joked.
"Ha, I wrote a love song once." Leon said.
"What about you and Yaz?" He teased.
"Ew, no..."
Ire stayed quiet, knowing more of the story.
"I never got it." They went on, "Like a feeling? Like butterflies in your stomach? It's bullshit."
"Same!" Ire agreed, "It's not like the songs. It's like... moths."
"We got moths wings." Rowan said.
"Yea..." Ire sighed.

"HEY!" Tom called from a distance.
When she came back out of breath everyone knew something was up, but didn't expect an army of plants, include mushroom men to be chasing her.
"Is that the Mushroom Man!" Rowan laughed.
"You're taking the piss?" Wolf sighed.
There were a few mushroom men, but a majority of beings no one had seen before. They looked like tall onion buds, but of course with arms and legs. Like the mushroom men they had faces too with little sharp noses that stuck out far.
"Who are these guys!?" Ire asked.
"I dunno!!!" Rowan laughed.
"Attack!" One plant creature yelled and the rest followed, throwing pebbles and leaping up.
"Back!" The kids ordered and made themselves big, but the thirty-odd little creatures kept on.
They leapt at their ankles and Rowan made an effort not to step on them.
One jumped up and clung to Ires hair.
"We don't wanna fight." Piper defended.
"Don't think we have a choice." Rowan said.
"We're not even bad!" Wolf smacked one out of Ires hair.
The kids were pushed back and swatting about but knew they weren't in real danger.
"Is this the kinda stuff you do?" Leon laughed.
"Pretty much." Rowan laughed.
"It's usually more dangerous." Wolf added.
Ire held her shield up to block Tom and her from the bud people now leaping from the trees. Wold swung her sword only to scare the creatures.
"What ever happened to the hook?" Piper asked.
"I gave it to you." Rowan said.
"I gave it back."
"No you didn't!" He laughed, "Did you?"

Then a bird called from above. The plant people knew its cry and shook with fear.
The bird from the night in T-Bay came back and scared away the creatures with its calls and cries.
Tom shook Ires shoulder, recognising the bird. It had matured since they last saw it, it was less vibrant but more proud.
"Hello." Ire said sweetly.
Leon and Tom shared a smile.
"What?" Rowan asked.
"We're Hunting A Mushroom Man." Leon said.
Ire showed the shield and the bird held its head against it.
The bird spent a bit going from branch to branch, watching the group until they lost sight of it.

"Everyone write a verse for next time we'll play through and each sing our verse." Rowan said as everyone got ready to leave.
"Funky." Piper agreed.
"I... I can't sing." Tom said quietly.
"It doesn't matter if you're good-" Rowan said.
"You don't have to." Ire told softly.
"I don't- I don't- I don't wanna sing." She managed to get out.
"Yea, it's..." Rowan looked to Ire.
"You don't have to sing." She hugged Tom.

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