Introducing Abby

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Hey I'm Abby... Well my full name is Abigal-Lei Louise Hazel Dallas, long name i know right, I'm 12 years old and I live in a care. I came here when I was 4 years old. My family were involed in a serious accident and they died 'cause no one could get to them, the only people who survived were me and my older brother. I miss him, he was moved to another care home 'cause he didn't fit in and they didn't care about my feelings so they just took him away, I haven't seen him in over 7 years. 

Well enough of the sad mushy stuff lets tell you about myself properly.

I have long, pass my waist, brown hair, I have honey coloured eyes, people say they change with my emotions but I think they are lying cause what sort of person can do that, I'm about 4"5 which is quite small for my age, I'm super skinny, I have a fast matasimalism ( A/N: Dunno how to spell it, Oppiesss) this means I can eat so much but I don't gain a single pound, which is quite worrying. 

There are many things I love to do which contain, sing, playing guitar and my piano or fold up keyboard - my mum taught me and we'd always have our little singing sessions, they were soo fun. Also, I love to play sports such as: Football, Hockey, Basketball, Skateboard/ Penny Boarding ( Not sure if they are sports but they invole physical moment ) and Track Running but sadly I had to quit 'cause things weren't working out, on plus side I still run just not on a track. The next thing you'd probally expect me to say is I LOVE make-up and fashion well I DON'T. I like fashion but not they girly one, I like shorts and t-shirts not skirts and dresses ( yuk). I guess you could say I'm a tomboy and you'd be correct I am!!!!

I've been her for 8 years and not once have I been adopted but if I would've I wouldn't have met my bff Jason. He is amazing he is just like me but a boy. He treats me like his younger sister. He's always there when I need him or anyone. He is just awesome. I dunno what I'd do without him 'cause he is my best friend , my brother and maybe my gudian angel. 

A/N : Heyya, thanks for reading sorry if it is rubbish but I'll try my best to make it better. Please comment on what you thought I'm more than happy to hear what you think. Love ya lateer Dudes and Dudettes :). Until next time... Morgan xx

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