Bad Sanses

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This story was asked by @Sleep_Deprived720
(No pov)

The bad sanses were fighting the star sanses. The murder trio was fighting blueberry, error fighting ink, and nightmare and cross fighting dream. It was normal when cross, dream, and nightmare heard a cracking sound. Nightmare and cross teloported to where it came from it was dust he was crying on the ground holding his head. Dust looked up and tried to hit blue with a bone but he dodged it and the bone hit killer in the arm. Killer then froze and then fell to the ground holding his arm crying(even though he is always crying but just more black goop coming out of his eye sockets). Horror then went over to help killer but then got elbowed in his eye socket. He held his eye socket and fell crying to the ground. Cross didn't like blood but he saw dust cracked skull bleeding and he started to cry and sat with his knees and hands on his head.

Ink and error were still fighting then ink hit him with the red paint he then started crying and scream that it burns. All this was happening then nightmare 5hen teloported everyone(the bad sanses) to him. He grabbed the murder trio and error with his tentacles and cross in his arms then made a portal and went in. The portal lead to nightmare room he then put them on the bed and went to the bathroom and the got a first aid kit. he then went to dust "dust can you let me see your head" nightmare asked and dust did as he asked. nightmare looked at the crack it wasn't a big crack and nor small one it was bleeding nightmare then rubbed the crack with some healing oil. the dreading he did bandaged the crack then put a purple pacifier in dusts mouth or teeth and gave him a white bunny stuffie which hade gray stains on it (was it monster dust? yup). nightmare went over to killer and did the same thing he did to dust but to his arm. he gave killer a white bunny stuffie that hade eyes like killer and black goop going out of its eyes and gave killer a baby blue pacifier that had a bunny on it. nightmare then went over to horror and put an eye patch that was an ice pack on his eye socket then gave him a gray wolf stuffie that was missing its right eye and half of its ear and was covered in blood stains and gave him a white pacifier that had a gray wolf on it. he went over to cross and gave him a white pacifier with a penguin on it and a penguin stuffie.

(nightmare pov)

I patched up everyone but error. nightmare went over to error and brought him to the bathroom and set him on the toilet and gave him a dark blue pacifier. I then turned on the water and made it not to hot or cold. then toke of all errors clothes and placed him in the tub he was still rebooting but started to relax a little. I then start to scrub of all the red paint I got all the red paint off I toke error out of the tub and into a diaper and a blue cat onesie. then I went back to the other to see them talking to each other in baby talk. so I put them in all diapers killer was wearing a baby blue bunny onesie and dust but his was white, horror in a wolf onesie, and cross a penguin. then picked them all up and went to the living room and placed them all on the floor that had toys every where. then went to the kitchen and grabbed three chocolate milk bottle and two normal ones and put them in the microwave and went back to the living room to see them playing and error was done rebooting he then saw me ran to me and huged me "Mama" error said. "hey glitchy I see your back" I said then cross came running over and held onto my leg "hi their crossy" I said cross just smiled through his pacifier.

Then I heard a ding sound meaning the the bottles are done I then walked to the kitchen and got the bottles out of the microwave and and checked the temperature of the bottles and went back to the living room. I then picked up everyone and put them on the couch and gave error, cross, and killer the chocolate milk bottle and gave dust and horror the regular milk bottles. They started to drink the milk after 10 minutes they were done so I used my magic and replaced the bottles with their pacifiers and gave them their stuffies cross then crawls over to me and takes his pacifier out of his month or teeth and says "cuddles". Then the rest of the gang came over. So I picked them all up and went to my room and got into bed with the gang cuddling me as I got into bed and then they all said "night mama" and then I said "good night my children" and then they all went to sleep.

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