Tylee stared at me with a worried face. I was afraid if I lose this, tylee will hate me. "The teachers are coming!" Said some random kid. Me and Jason stopped. We quickly cleaned up the lunch room. Then we stood there like nothing happened. The bell went on and the next period is on. Every kid started to walk to there next class. Tylee quickly ran to me. "Tyler!" She said. "Are you ok?!" "I'm fine tylee" I said in a tired voice. I got up and pretended I had no pain. My arm hurt like hell. "Let's just go to our second class" "ok" she said. When she walked out of the room, I rolled up my left sweater sleeve and looked at my arm. It was swelling. It was also red and bruised. I touched it and it felt like the bone was broken into tiny little pieces. I whimpered in pain.

Tyler's Story
RandomTyler a sixteen year old teen lives in Alaska with his extended family. But after a huge storm comes, it kills most of his family (including his mom.) Now he lives with his sister Kira and his dad. But his dad abusese him for no reason.... Or at lea...