Book Thirty Eight

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   I laid on my side, watching Alis sleep in so much pain, he took my pain and I knew it. He let out soft whimpers as tears ran down his eyes even though he was asleep. I wiped his tears off every time, crying along with him. One hand clasped against mine tightly, squeezing it and causing me pain but I didn't mind. His other hand wrapped around my waist was strangling it but I still didn't care. His phones was ringing because it was eight in the morning and he needed to be at work but he couldn't wake up as he bore my pain.

   'Bloom,' I bent my head back to look at who called me. It was no other than Dark; he looks different, taller. 'Good morning?' I nodded. 'He's still unconscious?'

   'As you can see, isn't he suppose to be some kind of powerful person?' I asked calmly, averting my eyes back to Alis.

   'This is the first time he is feeling pains, he had never had a cause to feel pain this intense, nothing hurts him deeply. That's why he is like this, he will be fine.'

   'But he's hurting, I was thinking I could help stop it?'

   'How do you intend to do that?' He asked smirkingly, yes, he smirks.

   'I was thinking I could use my healing light, it might not have worked on me but it can work on him, right?' I asked hopefully.

   'Well, you'll never know until you try,' I looked down at Alis again and rest my hand on the crown of his head. 'You will pass out for hours, you know that, right?'

   'Mm hm,' I hummed, shutting my eyes to concentrate. The surface of my skin tingled with as I felt sparks at the tip of my fingers and electricity curling around my toes. my energy ran out of me before I passed out.




   'Morning, sunshine!!!'

   'Aaaaaah!' I screamed, falling off the bed in a thud, heart attack! I held my chest, breathing heavily as I watched Kristal and my sisters laugh their ass out. 'What sort of conspiracy is this!'

   'Boredom conspiracy,' Leila said with a wink.

   'Alis! Alis! There are three mad women in our room! Help!' I shouted frantically, their smirks were terrifying me.

   'Your darling husband has gone out, you are all alone,' Kristal exaggerated with a mischievous smirk. I gulped and shifted back on the floor.

   'What do you girls want from me?'

   'Bloom, what happened to your hair? It's shorter?' Bernice finally took to notice.

   'Alis cut it off,'

   'Why?' Kristal asked with a wryly smirk.

   'He likes it this way,' I lied, giving Bernice and Leila a knowing look. They nodded with understanding and smirked again.

   'Gets ready, pumpkin! We're giving you a makeover!' Oh boy.




   The limo parked at an occasion, it looked like Alisdair was launching a building or something. A red carpet laid forward to the platform where he stood, separating the rows of chairs from each other as Alis lazily gave a speech. The press were making good use of their time, taking pictures and waiting to be the first to get any wrong move. Some of them turned to our car, wondering who the fuck was interrupting Alisdair. I inhaled and smiled at Leila nervously, I know no one ever remembers it but every year, I wish they would and surprise me.

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   'Come on, babe, let's storm the party!' Kristal squealed.

   'It's not a party, it's a boring talk,' Bernice said with distaste as she wore her face mask. Leila put on her black shade and smirked. She decided to score her death look, went all full black including her makeup. She looked like Dracula's first daughter in a crazily ripped black stock jeans, black top with side ribs and black chunky boots with side chains. She wore black beads and a black Rolex wristwatch bracelet. She went ahead to adore her neck with black bead as well and finished the touch with black rose perfume; she's crazy.

   Kristal decided to be the rainbow of the team; a sea of red, green, yellow, blue and peach plunge neck top over a funny flare orange, pink, violet, indigo and white pants and curban boots heels. She just dressed so flamboyantly that it seemed like rainbow rained on her. Bernice, she stole my cocktail dress, shoes and everything so I was forced to wear something else, something to suit Kristal and Leila's taste. I wore a creamy camisole with flowery edge and bronze leather shorts that showed off more skin than needed and a matching bronze leather kimono jacket over it. The jacket had flying collars and a single gold strap belt that shone from miles. They wore me creamy wedge sneakers, gold Royal Lovat bead chains, gold cuff bracket and gold wristwatch.

   Leila opened the door since she was sitting by it and stepped out, followed by Bernice and Kristal before I nervously followed. I adjusted my gold earrings and shyly linked my arm with Kristal. You know Leila and I are crowd pullers, right? Well, mine had increased and it was amazing. We walked to the front, ignoring the questions and stares as Theo and some other guards kept us safe. I sat down sheepishly became Alis' eyes were on me the whole time, he winked at me before rolling his eyes away with a smile.

   'Love,' Kristal sang teasingly. I laughed and played with my hair.

   'Are we really going to listen to his speech? It's lame.' Bernice whined.

   'Let's talk about dicks,' Leila whispered.

   'Leila,' I whispered dryly.

   'That's a great topic, check out that hot bodyguard of Alis, Fred...' Kristal whispered. 'I bet he's 7inches, will hit the right spot very well.'

   'I can bet thirty thousand that he's fat and long, too fat to fit in a tiny hole...'

   'The fat ones are better, fill in every space...'

   'Bernice, since when did you become a dickionarian?' Leila asked in surprise. She giggled and played with her hair. 'Have you been sucking on random dicks?'

   'Hell no!' She shouted out loud, gaining few attending. 'I haven't been sucking on random...'

   'So you have been sucking on one...'

   'Leila,' I called laughingly. 'Leave the girl alone, she's not a kid.'

   'I'm still innocent, I swear,' Bernice defended distraughtly. 'My mouth isn't but I haven't done anything I shouldn't do,' Leila gave her a a knowing smirk. 'Okay fine! My new boyfriend, Chad, he have been teaching me some few stuffs but we haven't done anything yet.'

   'Ooooh! What's the flavor of his dick...'

   'Kristal!' We shouted. She rolled her eyes and grumbled to herself.

   'Prudes,' she muttered. 'Won't share details...'

   'Bloom, can I have your attention, please?' I averted my eyes to Alis who was leaning on the large glass pulpit with five microphones and staring at me with a warm smile. I looked around embarrassedly and gave him a questioning look. 'Do you even know why I asked your sisters to kidnap you here?' He asked them to bring me? I looked at the girls questioningly. They shrugged with an innocent smile and giggled. 'Please, come take my hand.' I stood up instantly, my fingers had been yearning to be in his and ask him questions about his health.

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