Chapter ten

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Lisanna point of veiw ~ Lucy, Juvia, Yukino, Minerva and I were having a girls day. It's been a year since we have joined Sabertooth and it's been pretty amazing. Lucy reconnected with her uncle. We don't see much of him unless he's calling us out for something or talking about something very important.

"So girls what are your relationships with Rufus, Ogra, Sting and Rouge"Juvia asked us as we were having a sleepover at Lucy's apartment which is much bigger then her old one at fairy tail and it's cheaper as well.

"What is your relationship with Bickslow"Lucy asked "we are dating now. He asked me out about two months ago on a mission we went on"Juvia explains "and you didn't tell us"I said "I am still trying to wrap my head around it"Juvia explains

"Rufus and I are dating"Yukino stated "really how long"Juvia asked "two months"Yukino asked "Orga and I are dating as well for two months"Minerva said "Rouge and I have been dating for two months"I said "sting and I have also been dating for two months. Well sting didn't really ask me out he just stated it"Lucy said

"What do you mean"I asked confused "sky sting and I were on a mission two months back and we went out to dinner. This guy started flirting with me and sting grabbed me saying that I was his and that I was his girlfriend. The guy didn't believe him and sting just kissed me. After that the guy left and I asked him why did he do that. And he said I meant what I said blondie your mine and I want to you to be my girlfriend so I said yeah"Lucy said

"That's such a sting thing to do"Minerva said "you know the grand magic games are coming up are you guys going to join this year"Yukino asked "what are the grand magic games"I asked confused

"It's like a fighting festival between all the guilds to see who is the strongest. Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Mermaid heel have been fighting for the top spot for the past five years since fairy tail disappeared that's how long the festival has been around. This is the fifth year"Minerva explains

"Maybe not this year but we can help you guys train though"Juvia said "eh that's fine"Yukino said "so when is it"Lucy asked "five months from now"Yukino said "then we will start training you tomorrow"Juvia stated

"Let's go on a five month training trip together"I said "just girls or with our boyfriends"Yukino asked "it's gonna have to be with our boyfriend seeing as I just saw a red exceed fly away from my window"Lucy said

"Lector reminds me of happy always snooping around"I said "okay so Min and Yuki what are your biggest strengths and biggest weaknesses"Lucy asked "for my territory magic I only know three spells so I want to learn more spells. That is my biggest weakness. My biggest strength would be my combat kills and my Yakuma Eighteen Battle Gods Magic"Minerva stated

"What about you Yukino"I asked "My strength lies in combat. But my weakness would also have to be combat. And I want to grow stronger in summoning my spirits as well"Yukino explains

"now we know where we are going to start"Juvia said "we will work on expanding your magic containers then we work on combat and magic"Lucy explains to both girls who nodded.

This is going to be so much fun for Lucy, Juvia, Bickslow and I. I can't wait to see their reaction to our training. I kinda feel bad for putting Rouge through it and all but then again I don't. Maybe I really am the she devils sister.

End of chapter

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