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The pair got out of the taxi and Harry paid the driver and followed behind Ella.

"oh I know this place" ella smiled looking at the big building infront of them with a sign reading "GALAXY"

(A/N If you've seen the sidemen sunday birthday video where the boys went to an arcade and the others went to a storage room in the same building, it's there)

"Fuck, I was hoping you hadn't been" Harry laughed

"I was young don't worry" Ella took Harry's hand skipping along side him

The pair headed inside and seen two escalators infront of them, a reception in the middle. They headed up to the reception and were greeted with a dark haired middle aged woman smiling.

"Hi I booked this morning, under the name Lewis" harry spoke up

"Let me just have a look Mr Lewis" she typed away on her computer then smiled "yeah here you are, arcade, bowling and then race karting and some food yeah?" she smiled

"Yeah that's perfect" he smiled

Ella squeezed his hand with excitement. He looked down at her and smiled squeezing it back.

Harry paid for his booking "Thank you Sir, you've got about 2 hours in the arcade and bowling and then the karts will be ready after, just head up the escalators and have fun" she smiled

"Thank you" the pair said in unison

"Harry this is amazing, thank you so much" Ella smiled heading towards the escalators


The pair played just about every arcade game they could. Harry had won so many tickets for them and he was saving them all for a massive prize at the end.

They headed over to the basketball machine and decided to go head to head.

"You're gonna lose" harry laughed tapping his arcade card

"I doubt that" ella laughed

Their games started and off they went, throwing orange balls into a hoop not so far infront of them.

Ella was doing okay but Harry was doing terribly, he had 15 and Ella had 27 and they had 10 seconds left

"Fuck" harry mumbled

"i told you" ella laughed

The ten seconds ran out very quickly and Ella had won 33 to 19.

"well done beautiful" harry smiled hugging ella and giving her a kiss

"thank you thank you" ella smiled


They decided to go over to the bowling and play two rounds before they grabbed food then went go karting.

"I'm really shit at bowling" ella laughed walking over to their lane

"I'm bloody brilliant" harry laughed. "we filmed a sidemen bowling video once and I found out I was pretty decent at it, i did almost break the place though" he laughed

"and how's that?"

"I just threw the balls around the place a couple times, that's all" he smiled picking up a bowling ball "watch and learn young one"

Harry threw the ball down the lane and it went right down the middle and struck the pins sending all of them down at once.

"A strike! on your first go" ella exclaimed

"I told you Im good" harry laughed

Ella grabbed a smaller bowling ball and headed up and throw the ball down the lane, it went slightly to the left and hit the pins with much less strength than Harry's and she got 7 down.

"Not bad not bad" harry smiled high fiving her


Harry won both rounds which wasn't a surprise to either of them. They headed over and ordered some food.

Harry ordered chips and cheese and a hot dog and Ella ordered a burger and chips. They both got a diet coke and sat down at a table.

"So you're going home tonight?" Harry pouted

"I am don't be sad I live 20 minutes away dipshit" ella laughed

"i know it'll just be shit sleeping alone"

"You'll be happy to sleep alone for once" ella smiled taking his hand

"That's true you snore" he laughed


They finished their food and went down to the go karting area.

They were met by a teenage boy with dark fluffy hair.

"Hi there have you got a booking?" He smiled with a scottish accent

"Hi yeah we do, it's under Harry Lewis" harry smiled

"Ah yeah here you are, they're just about ready, follow me for the briefing" he walked towards a door and the pair followed them

He played a short video explaining how the karts work and the rules on the track. They were given a helmet and a racing suit and taken through a different door and into the track area.

"If you'd like to put your suit on and then your helmet then follow me when you're ready" the scottish boy smiled

"I'm gonna look like an idiot" ella laughed

"you're gonna look hot" harry smirked

Ella slapped his shoulder and got her suit on.

They followed the boy over to the karts.

"Okay hop in the kart, put your belt on and to start the kart just press that big green button and the race will start" he smiled "have fun"

"Thank you" they both replied

They got into their karts, clipped their seatbelts on "you ready?" harry asked. "ready to beat you" ella smiled

They pressed their green buttons and the karts slowly moved forward. They followed the rules of how they work and the race began.

Harry was in the lead for most of the first lap until he crashed into the wall slowing them both down but Ella managed to get ahead.

They lapped it 10 tens before the race came to an end and Harry won most laps but Ella was just happy she beat him at some.

They got out, handed their suits back and headed up to the arcade again.

"That was so much fun" Ella smiled holding Harry's hand.

"It was, hey, we still have those tickets from the arcade, let's go see what we can win". he smiled dragging ella towards the ticket shop

The lady behind the counter counted all their tickets, they had won 1623 so they could buy a fair few things.

"What do ya want?" harry asked ella

"no you get something" she smiled

"no i'm getting you something, what do you want?" he asked again

"you decide then"

Harry stared longingly at the options infront of him: a london monopoly game, a rubik's cube, some stupid toys and then he saw a giant teddy bear, it was a bumblebee

"I'll take the bumble bee please" he smiled pointing at it

"That's great, you still have 100 tickets left" the lady handed him the teddy

"Uh just some sweets please" he smiled

The lady got 100 tickets worth of sweets, put them in a bag and handed them to Harry.

"Here you go" he smiled handing Ella the bumble bee

"it's so cute, thank you" she smiled cuddling it

The pair headed out of GRAVITY. Hand in hand smiling.

Harry ordered an Uber back to his flat

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