She stared at the door and watched it open. Jane came in, without her mask, and gave Frightful a smile. The smile looked horrifying on her scarred face but Ally found the smile beautiful. She was finding Jane, Jeff, and her other two mentors oddly beautiful and handsome.
Behind Jane, a slightly familiar figure stood with a bored look on his face. "Frightful, this will be your 'team mate,' if you want to call him that." Jane laughed. His bright blue eyes seemed to be glowing in the low lighting.
"You?!" They said simultaneously.
Jane seemed surprised. "You two know each other already?"
"He tried to take my kill." Ally growled.
"Get over it. I was there first, Frightful." He snapped.
"You best shut up or you'll be on the ground right next to this chick." Ally glared.
"What chick?" He questioned.
"They already took her. Now, time for you to face your opponents." Jane stopped about an inch from closing the door. "And, please, do not kill each other." She shut the door with that and they faced each other.
"Might as well get introductions out of the way..." Ally sighed and put her hand out. "I'm Frightful Ally, and you are Blake Burns."
"How do you know my name?" Blake asked but took her hand.
"I had a truck. We are suspects in my exes murder. They mentioned your name." Frightful explained.
A moment later, the opposite door opened and two people stepped through. The female had big glasses, messy black hair, a bloody white shirt, grey jacket, black jeans, and black shoes; she looked pretty normal. The male looked normal except for his pearl white skin and completely black eyes.
"What the hell is wrong with these people? Everyone has something weird about them!" Ally whispered under her breath.
"I wouldn't be talking, Ms. One Eye." Blake chuckled. Ally growled and the opponents jumped at that.
"You get her. I'll take him." Blake whispered in Frightful's ear with a gentle hand on her shoulder. She looked him in the eyes and paused for a second before nodding.
She looked at the female and waited for her to make a move. The girl smiled and reached in her back pocket. She pulled a small piece of metal out, that started glowing. Slowly the small piece of metal turned to a full sized scythe. Ally backed off with a yelp.
"Weapons! Blake! She has a weapon! I can't fight her!" Frightful cried.
Blake looked over from pummeling the other male. He dropped the guys limp body to the ground and threw himself in front of Ally. He spread his arms and blocked Frightful.
"You'll hurt me before you ever hurt her. Back off now, before this gets worse for you." Blake said calmly. The girl smiled.
"More like, for you, pretty boy." She pointed the scythe at Blake. Ally felt anger boiling inside of her. Blake must've heard her growl because he turned around to look at her. She pushed him to the side and jumped at the girl. The girl's wicked smile dropped and her face paled. Frightful put her hands around the girl's throat and she dropped her scythe and clawed at Frightful's hands with her bitten off nails.
"Don't threaten him. You're lucky I don't kill you now. Just wait until we are in the forest. I'm coming for you first, bitch." Frightful growled. She laughed wickedly and let the girl fall to the ground. Blake grabbed her shoulders and gently pulled her backwards. "My head," she mumbled, "my head." Ally mumbled again. She felt dizzy and everything began turning grey.
"Shit," Blake whispered.
Ally looked down. Her entire chest had been cut, deeply, straight down. She felt arms snake under hers and black consumed Ally's world.