This invisible bond that ties my soul to you
It sometimes scares me, I can't lie, it's true
But when finally, you held me in your arms, I knew
Our bond, this, won't change anytime soon
No matter what weather, if sunny or stormy, may come my way
No matter, no I don't care, what anyone else might say
I promise to always come, always come back to you
Because I know that's my fate and the right thing to do.
It felt like coming home after travelling the world
My soul was healing, with every second, every word
I was so overwhelmed, could barely say what's going on
But you understood my silence all along
No matter what weather, if sunny or stormy, may come my way
No matter, no I don't care, what anyone else might say
I promise to always come, always come back to you
Because I know that's my fate and the right thing to do.

I've been here before. - Lyrikbuch
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