lowkey not feeling like myself

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{Salem woke up not feeling like herself at all so she ended up throwing up all day long which worried everyone in the group}

*Salem runs to the bathroom*

Aspen; babe are you okay

Salem; ya *throws up*

Ambrosia; do you want saltine crackers

Salem; and blue Gatorade please

Ambrosia; I'll be back in a minute

Salem; okay

*1 minute later*

Ambrosia; I'm back where is she

Hendricksons; she's still in the bathroom throwing up

Ambrosia; okay I'll leave these two things in her bed

Aspen; okay

*20 minutes later*

Salem; my throat hurts from throwing up

Ambrosia; and your eyes are watery

Salem; ughh this is so frustrating

Ambrosia; i know

H; do you need anything else

Salem; no

Ambrosia; ok how about you just lay in bed the rest of the day while me and H do your things or whatever

Salem; okay thank you guys

H and ambrosia; your welcome

Aspen; can i kiss you

Salem; no... i don't want to throw up in your mouth

Aspen; better safe then sorry come here

*aspen hugs salem followed by a kiss*

Salem; i love you😘

Aspen; i love you too😘

H and ambrosia; aww

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