50. not Beyoncé but you're still my queen b

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   " you know how worried i got when you suddenly stopped showing up to school and practice? " takahashi huffed with hot tears started brimming in his eyes, " aren't we friends? you don't even text me back! what's going on! why don't you tell me a...

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" you know how worried i got when you suddenly stopped showing up to school and practice? " takahashi huffed with hot tears started brimming in his eyes, " aren't we friends? you don't even text me back! what's going on! why don't you tell me anything! "

takahashi saw his friend for the first time in weeks during the junior winter cup, except that his friend was on the other side of the court.

takahashi felt as if a sharp needle pierced through his big heart. after declaring his friendship for takahashi, how can yukio sakamoto just dip to join another club and on top of that, win championship of the whole damned competition that takahashi trained so hard for.

that was plain selfish in takahashi's eyes. they were supposed to win it together but his former partner left to work with someone else. takahashi felt betrayed.

" i'm sorry for leaving so suddenly but this is my team now, " sakamoto coldly replied as he looked everywhere else except takahashi's face.


" you could've at least texted me to tell me how you were. i was so worried that something might happen to you and you pull this shit, " takahashi responded, trying to comfort the sourness in his heart.

not winning was bad. losing first hand to his former teammate was horrible. but seeing his teammate, devoid of any empathy for him was the absolute worst. takahashi felt as if his fragile heart had been gutted by the boy.

" what i do is none of your business. now could you excuse me, " was all the older boy said as he tried to leave.

" hey! i'm not done talking to you! " takahashi raised his voice as he tightly grabbed onto his shoulder, causing sakamoto to roughly brush him away.

" what the heck! what more do you want from me! " sakamoto yelled in return.

" an explanation, " takahashi simply replied with frustration in his voice.

" look- "

" sakamoto? " a voice suddenly interrupted, " you okay? "

both takahashi and sakamoto turned to where the voice was coming from. it was sakamoto's new captain. seeing the scrawny boy get into a fight must've been a new sight for him, maybe he even thought sakamoto was being bullied.

" i have to go. please. don't text me anymore. it's better this way, " were sakamoto's last words before he left with his new teammate.

and that was the last time that they formally spoke in years.

takahashi was a decent judge of character but in that moment, he felt as if he didn't know who his ' best friend ' was anymore. it seemed as if the past few years they spent together was a big joke on him. sakamoto had fooled him.

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young and naive takahashi lost his teammate. his setter. his brother. takahashi didn't understand how someone changed that quickly. he had long sealed off this portion in his heart but it would be a lie to say that it didn't hurt him whenever he was reminded of it.

a sudden vibration in his pocket took him back to the present moment.

it was a text from his girlfriend.

you wrote to him saying that you went ahead first since you didn't want to disrupt his sleep time (which he desperately needed).

despite so, takahashi still felt like it was his responsibility to stick next to you, or rather that was what he would rather be doing.

" what note? " takahashi mumbled to himself as he read your new text saying that you wrote him a note before leaving.

he decided to text you back.

what note?

not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
i left it by your bed side

i didn't see it 💀

not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
lololol too bad go home and check it
i wrote a note

can you do me a favour

not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
what's up
r u late? 🤣

stop laughing at me
im miserable enough alr
uk the things u used to do for me in middle school
yeah tha favour

not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
depends on my mood

pweeeaaasseeeee pretty pweeaaaassseeee

not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
don't do that 🥴
k fine
dont get my shirt dirty tho

i will try my best

not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :


not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
what now

i luv u

not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
i love me too!
guess we have that in common!


not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
wtv i lov u 2 🙄


not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
k get your ass here quickly
you have 15 mins b4 my next lesson starts

yes love
see u in 15~

not beyoncé ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ :
see u 🤚🏻

BOYFRIEND | takahashi ranWhere stories live. Discover now