t h r e e

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Tony may be recently reformed, his entitled, day-drinking days now behind him but it was obvious that his penchant for throwing incredible parties was anything but lost, the hype they received completely justified. The large expanse of the living room was packed to the brim making me wonder how it was possible that one man could know this many people. The lights were dimmed, the normally bright fluorescents now a soft orange, casting a golden glow over the room. Towers of crystal champagne flutes stood alluringly in every corner, miraculously and temptingly beautiful and breakable. I doubted that you could remove one without sending the glass-caged liquid tumbling to the floor. 

Given how many of the people here were my coworkers, I had given myself a limit of two drinks. There was no way I was going to embarrass myself by getting wasted in front of any of them, especially my superiors. Many others however, did not seem to share the same sentiment. Alcohol induced loud and raucous laughter both high-pitched and booming reverberated from across the room. I fixed the hem of my black dress, longing to replace the uncomfortable material with the sweatshirt and sweatpants laid out on my bed, awaiting my return at my apartment. 

I'm not sure if there is anything that exhausts me more than small-talk. It's so impersonal, just a meaningless way of communicating with someone you most likely will never see or speak to again. However I had made sure to keep myself mingling in small groups the entire evening, trying to avoid the smug stares I had been receiving from the man now standing on the other side of the room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his hand grab his chest as he doubled over in laughter. A cue rest carelessly in his hand and as he stood by the pool table. Apparently he was taking a break from his shameless flirting with over half the women in the room to play a game with a man that looked vaguely familiar although I couldn't place why. 

"Earth to (Y/n). Did you hear anything I just said?" 

Tony's voice shook me from my thoughts as I snapped my head back to the group around me. Thor stood on my right, looking very dapper in a velvet maroon suit, his long hair pulled back in a pony tail. Dr. Bruce Banner stood on my left, looking like he was feeling just as out of place as I felt. He was currently doing a terrible job of keeping his wandering eyes off the familiar redhead, standing a few feet away, apparently mid-thumb war with Clint.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I went to take a sip of my drink, the watery taste making me realize I had been carrying it around too long and it was now almost completely melted ice.

"I was asking if you always look this miserable at parties or if you save that honor just for mine."

Bruce chuckled awkwardly, while Thor gave me a cheerful smile.

"Give her a break Stark, not everyone needs as much attention as you." He clapped his arm on my shoulder, bracingly. Apparently the man still didn't know his own strength, as the power in his grip sent me stumbling forward a few steps. If he hadn't kept a firm grasp on my arm I probably would have fallen over. Before either of us could respond, a fourth man walked up to the group.

"Hey, glad you could make it." Tony began, smiling in his direction. "(Y/n) I'm not sure if you've met-"

"Rhodes!" I nearly squealed making an alarmingly high-pitched sound, overcome by the excitement of seeing the familiar face. I moved forward to give him a hug which he returned happily, giving me a tight squeeze. When he released me I stepped back suddenly embarrassed by my lack of decorum in front of my boss. Tony gave me an utterly confused look before turning his head back to the man I had just nearly tackled.

"How the hell did you do that?" He asked. "I've been trying to get her to drop the professional act for weeks and you just show up here and suddenly she's going supersonic."

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