3: Where We Are

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"Three months to memorize the basic terminology, then a week for practical training..." Juno silently recalled the orders of Mrs. Orimura to himself, walking towards the dormitory.

He was in the far front, bag slung over his shoulder while girls chatted behind him, also heading in the same direction.

Re-entering the dorm, he quickly made his way toward his already somewhat familiar room. Turning the key and casually stepping inside, his ears rose to attention at the sounds of running water.

"Oh, Ichika?" Juno instantly assumed.

He was never actually made aware of who his roommate was, but guessed it was probably Ichika, given the sense.

Juno stretched upward, deciding it would be best to change or something. He snaked his hand toward his top, unbuttoning and slowly pulling over his neck.

That's when the shower stopped.

The bathroom door creaked, a certain someone wiping a towel down their wet hair, another towel wrapped around their body came sauntering out.

"Ah, of course. Who might-"

That accent...

"Oh boy," Juno thought, throwing his shirt back on to rapidly conceal his neck, before reluctantly peeking over his shoulder. He made sure to slide his hand across his eye, peeking vaguely through his fingers.

A particular British girl stood wide-eyed, holding herself covered with the loose towel. Her hair had been undone, the blue headband laid aside on the nightstand.

Juno frowned internally. Dang, how could he have possibly missed that?

"W-What in the devil is the meaning of this?! W-What are you doing here, you barbarian?!" Cecilia let out, throwing a hand to hide her already concealed body.

"Oh. I guess we're sharing a room." The Canadian said nonchalantly.

"How on earth are you so unbothered by this? I'm practically naked, you are gaping at a naked woman!"

"No, you have a towel."

Cecilia glared spitefully, grumbling under her breath at this boy's unbothered composure. She imagined that if it were any other man, they would have most likely caused an unnecessary scene.

He didn't seem to make a sound though, and shuffled toward her with his eyes covered. Cecilia flinched at his sudden approach, but he passed her and partially opened the door.

"I'll let you get dressed. Sorry about that." He closed the door behind him, leaving the perplexed Cecilia all alone for the time being.

Juno waited outside the room, leaned beside the door, passing a couple of minutes.

"Ooh, is that Reeves?" A few girls out of uniform, wearing t-shirts and loose clothing spotted him from the distance.

"This must be his room... Isn't that good to know, girls?" They whispered among themselves.

Juno barely paying attention to what they were saying, only perked up when one of them approached.

"Oh, hello there." Juno greeted, smiling.

"Reeves, is something wrong?"

"Did you lose your key?"

"Oh no. None of that. I'm waiting for Cecilia to change." He blatantly stated.

"HUH?!" The girls blinked at that statement, trying to wrap their heads around what he just said.

Before a proper explanation could be asserted, room 1707's doorknob turned and split open a few inches.

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