Hey, I'm Y/N McCall
I'm 17 years old and just moved to Beacon Hills from Mystic Falls.
Yes, two of the craziest towns in history.
I live with my mom and my little sister.
my dad... yeah that's another story...
and yall probably already know my cous...
"if you really wanna know, I was raped. When I lived in Mystic Falls I was raped by a person I thought I could trust, that I thought was my friend a person I thought I could count on, but clearly not. I've never told anyone this, cause I thought no one would believe me. I didn't even tell my best friends from Mystic Falls or my mom or the police. I've always been too scared to tell anyone!!" I kinda yell and the tears had already started coming down my face. I tried to stop it and wipe away the tears with my shirt, but every time I did so, there would just creep up new tears.
"Oh my god, Y/N. We had no idea that had happened to you. That is awful. I am so sorry if I pushed you to say something you didn't want to say" Allison says slowly walking over to where I am. She sits down hugging me and Lydia follows her going over to hug me too.
"Y/N if you ever have something like this on your mind you can always count on us we will always and forever believe in you," Lydia says while comforting me. Hmm, always and forever? That sounds like something Elijah would say, I still miss Mystic Falls, of course, It's good to be back here in Beacon Hills, but I miss my friends Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, Elijah, Klaus, Kai, and Enzo and of course the baddest bitch of them all, Rebekah. I just miss them so so so much and I wish that they could have moved with me.
"Thank you, guys. I really got scared there for a second. I didn't think you would believe me" I say a little relieved. "And why wouldn't we believe you," Lydia says "I don't I just got paranoid, I think" I would lie if I didn't say I was a little paranoid, but I'm glad that they believed me. "So Netflix and relax?" Allison asks. "Netflix and relax," me and Lydia said at the same time.
It was now Friday and the teacher had just told us that we have an assignment for next week, where we have to go in groups of two. I turn around to ask if Lydia or Allison had a partner. And lucky me they had partnered up together, so I had to partner up with someone else. I look around and spot Stiles who just asked Scott if they could be partners but Scott told him that he was already with Isaac. Stiles then turn around and see if there are any others left and nope there wasn't well there wasn't anyone except for me. Oh of course I have to work with him on an assignment. I think the world hates me
"What are you looking at" and I shoot up from my thoughts realizing, that I've been staring at Stiles for way too long. "Nothing good looking," I say "Well looks like there is no one left, so miss. McCall and Mr. Stilinski you'll have to work together on the assignment" the teacher says smiling and then leaving.
"So, you ready for tonight," Scott asks me. What's happening tonight? I look at him with a confused look. "You know tonight. Tonight when you and Stiles have to spend a weekend at Lydia's lake house" Scott says lifting an eyebrow. "Holy shoot. I forgot. Uhm, well I have to pack before" I say feeling a little stressed. I completely forgot that I had to spend the weekend with Stiles. Fuck it's gonna be hell.
I start walking home to get started with the packing. 20 min later I was home. I started to pack the basics like a brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, clothes, snacks, and my pillow cause I can't sleep without my pillow. When I was done packing my makeup and all the not-so-important stuff, I got downstairs. I had dressed into something else (picture below)
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"Where are you going?" my mom says a little confused while looking at me. "Well, I'm going to Lydia's lake house for the weekend" she just stand there looking weird at me for some reason. "Okay, just make sure to be home at 9.00 pm by Sunday, cause we are going for dinner" dinner that's weird we haven't gone out in ages. "Okay, sure will do mom" I kissed her goodbye when I heard Stiles's jeep honking.
"Did you bring your whole house?" Stiles say while looking at my suitcase. "Ha ha ha very funny," I say sarcastically. "A woman needs her stuff" I sit at the front seat of the car next to Stiles. "Remember to click your seatbelt," Stiles says smirking at me. "You're never going to leave that behind," I say clicking my seatbelt. "Nope, not a chance," he says chuckling. Why does he look so cute when he's laughing and hot when he's smirking. Couldn't he be someone who looked less good, so I could actually hate him without regret?
30 minutes later we arrived at the lake house. Stiles took his stuff, which was just a backpack and I took my suitcase out of the car. I walked into the lake house and went to go find a room, but a thing Lydia forgot to give Stiles was a key to the bedrooms. All the bedrooms were locked.
"Fuck" I say out loud. "What, what's wrong?" Stiles asks. "All the rooms are locked," I say. "What do you mean locked?" "I mean locked they won't open" "Ah fuck, well then we have to sleep on the couch today, and then I can get the key tomorrow," he says. He probably doesn't wanna drive now cause it's late and we just drove up here.
Me and Stiles agreed on making some lasagna, after a lot of time. When we were done eating, I cleaned the dishes. Me and Stiles hadn't really spoken that much, since I started making the food, but it sure as hell was awkward.
A/N hope you liked this part and I'll try to update some more love you. See you in the next chapter byeeee!