The man sat us down at a round table, near the window and while he went to the bar, Demelza was fixated on my gash on my forehead.
"Why is it Demelza, everytime you get into fights i'm the one who comes out with the injuries?" I sighed, looking for an old piece of material to use to clear the wound. But i had nothing to hand. The man came back over with food for us. God, i hadn't eaten for day. So 'aving a bowl of stew to myself was jackpot!
"Anyone know these children?" The man asked aloud to the whole pub,
"That's Tom Carne's daughters, they're twins from Illugan" The bar tender informed him, just we we began to tuck into our food, "They'll get the strap if he catches 'em from home and 'er in 'er brother's clothes!" The man then out his cup down, but Demelza and I both thought he were going to take our food, and in defense we grabbed our bowels and held 'em close,
"Easy. No-one will rob you," He informed which we both believed, before gently placing our bowels back on the table. While we ate, the man walked over to some posh woman who'd walked into the pub, who was concerned about us, but i just glared at her. She were too posh for me.
"They did hurt you?" The man asked, he must of seen Demelza's scars on her back, from our father when he's beaten us,
"Not they," Demelza whispered while pulling up her shirt,
"Then who?"
"Father," I silently said, ashamed of when he'd done,
"What?" The man asked,
"Father." I said louder,
"He beats you both?" He said, slightly shocked,
"Most days," Demelza said with a mouth full,
"Family," He asked,
"We 'ave six brothers,"
"Do you love your father?" That question shocked me at first, but Demelza had no problem in answering that question,
"Bible says we must," she said while wiping her nose with the back of her hand,
"Whats your names?" He asked,
"Demelza and Morwenna, Carne" I hushed,
"Speak up child," The man ordered as he sat down in front of us,
"I'm Morwenna Carne and this is me twin sister, Demelza Carne," I shouted, hoping this time he could open up 'is ears,
"Ross Poldark," He introduced which was about time! The man then started to look through his pockets, and found a handkerchief. He then dosed it in his left over alcohol before turning towards me,
"Morwenna is it? Here, let me clear up that wound," He instructed. I was a little unsure but gave in at the end. He took hold of my chin and help my head up, forcing me to look directly at him. I had to admit, he was pretty goodlookin' for a man of that sort of folk. Once he had finished, he released me,
"Thanks," I smiled and he gave a small smile back. Then we heard another posh voice booming out from behind us talking to Ross,
"Befriending the rabble, Ross?" This 'poshy' called. He made my blood boil, "One would never guess you were a gentleman."
"Takes one to know one, i believe, George," Ross said, facing the floor, while this 'George' walked away. Demelza and I looked back at Ross to see he had a small smirk on his face, which made me smile too. Once i finished my stew, Ross rose from his seat and began to gather his things,
"Come. I'm taking you both home to Illugan." My heart slightly fell at that prospect. I for one did not want to go home, scared of what our father might do to us. Demelza and i stood from our seats but i suddenly went very light headed and almost fell onto Ross. He caught me just in time before leading me outside to his horse. Ross climbed up first before giving me a hand, allowing me to sit comfortably infront of him; i looked down to Demelza who was happy to walk beside us along with Garrick. We soon left the market and headed out to the moors. I began to feel a lot better and thought to lighten the mood, i'd sing a song, one i knew Demelza loved,
"There was an old couple and they were poor,
they lived in a house that had but one door,
oh, what a poor couple was they, was they.."
Suddenly, Ross's voice cut me off, in a very sharp and curt way,
"Illugan's that way," He said, while stopping the horse. I carefully, but not so gracefully slid off the saddle and down to Demelza and Garrick,
"Thank you sir. For cleaning me wound and all," I smiled, as did Demelza while he just gave us a small nod. Then we began our walk back to Illugan.
"Oi, Morwenna can you finish the song?" my sister asked and i nodded,
"There was an old couple and they were poor,
Tweedle, tweedle, go twee ,
i've been sick since you have been gone"
Then once again, Ross's voice cut off my voice as it traveled over the brisk moors wind,
"I'm in need of a scullery and kitchenmaid," which stopped us in our tracks. This could be it, this could be our way out of our horrible life at home, "You'd both get foo, lodging, proper clothing. I want someone strong, for the work is hard."
"How far?" Demelza shouted out,
"Too far to run home. But perhaps you don't wish to come," Ross said,
"There be Garrick, Sir. Him and us be friends. Where we go, he goes" Demelza informed and Ross gave a small smirk. Demelza and I looked at each other and smiled before pretty much skipping back over to him. I still felt a little light headed so Demelza allowed me to ride with Ross again and she ran beside us. After about another 5 minute ride, we finally came to this old cottage, to see a male and a female come staggering out of the house, looking a gasp at Demelza and I,
"Who 'ee 'ave 'ere?" The rather plump woman asked,
"This is Morwenna and Demelza. They're both to help in the kitchen" He said as i jumped off and stood by my sister,
"Pickin' up brats'll bring you no end o' trouble." The old man huffed, but Ross just ignored him, telling him to see to his horse,
"They'll be seethin' with crawlers," The plump woman said, implying that we had flea's all because we had Garrick,
"Not if i give them the same treatment i gave you," He gruffed, makin' me wonder what he were on about. Ross led us to a water hole in the middle of the cluster of out buildings. He motioned for me to go over, and place my head under the tap,
"If you both work for me, you both must be clean, do you understand? No lice" He said, as he pumped freezing cold water onto my head and began to scrub through my ginger locks,
"Yes, sir" I managed to squeak back still in shock from the coldness. He then gave me a piece of cloth to wrap my hair in, before starting on Demelza,
"Ain't no vittles for them," The plump woman huffed, after storming over to us,
"Find some," Ross ordered,
"Scarce feed ourselves, how you going to feed two others?" She demanded,
"Leave that too me," Then Demelza started to breath funny, because of the freezing water.
"And before i forget that dog of your, it shall sleep outside. I will have not dog in my house who has the potential of having fleas" Ross instructed before leaving Demelza and I to look around his house. We made our way into the kitchen, knowing we'd be spending most of our time in there.
"Wha' she be smirkin' at?" The woman, Prudie asked, referring to Demelza's smile,
"Blatherin' blasted brats," The man, Judd scoffed
"How old they be?" Prudie asked,
"We're old enough to know 'er own minds!" I spat,
"No too big to feel the back of my hand," Judd spat, causing me to take a step back,
"Don't need no help, managed fine till now," Prudie grumbled as she walking over to the stove and took out what looked like a very dry pie. She cut a slice out and placed it on the plate,
"As you are 'ere, you take this to master before 'e gets angry," I picked up the plate and the jug of ale before walking into his study and placing it down in front of Ross, before darting away, back down to the kitchen. I saw Demelza just sat there, looking at the door, wanting to let Garrick in,
"Demelza, if your gunna look so sad, just go speak to him. After him to let Garrick in," I spoke which gained an hopeful gleam spread across her face. She quickly rose from her seat and darted off towards the dining room. But not five minutes passed when she came back in shaking her head and placing that dry piece of pie in front of Prudie who gobbled it up in no time.
"Sir said no, he doesn't want Garrick in the 'ouse" She uttered, as we both walked to our beds. They were only small beds, but they the quilts covering were so much warmer. Once i slipped inside the covers, they were so warm compared to my old bed. I knew from that moment, i was going to love this place!