~Chapter 32~

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'I promised Hancock to not cause troubles

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'I promised Hancock to not cause troubles.' Luffy thought to himself, he eyed Fake Luffy's strawhat with disgust. The fat man took his pistol and started threatening Luffy, trying to get the man to fear him.

The rest of Fake Luffy's crew join in to intimidate the real strawhat, hoping he will go along with their wishes. But Luffy simply brushed them off and turned to leave, angering Fake Luffy even more. He went to shoot him but Luffy managed to dodge the bullet at point blank range.

"Get lost..." He used the Haoshoku Haki on the Fake Straw Hats causing them to faint much to the crowd's astonishment.

"I must find my nakama quickly." Luffy said to himself smiling.


Meanwhile, Robin has reached the Thousand Sunny

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Meanwhile, Robin has reached the Thousand Sunny. She smiled when she heard Franky calling her. "Robin-chan I missed you so SUPER~ Much!" He posed. She found Franky, with a much more robotic appearance, on board.

"You look cool Franky." Robin remarked and came aboard. The ship has been coated and ready for underwater travel. "I missed you too Sunny." She whispered to the ship.

"All our Nakamas are here, expect Luffy and (y/n) sis." Franky said. "That's good, I heard Brook is having a concert here." Robin added.

"Yes, he's been touring, around the grandline, rising to become a superstar since we first found him in the Florian Triangle. I doubt Brook will rejoin the crew..." Franky sat down and sighed. "Have faith in our friend. I'm sure he'll join us." Robin replied.


In Grove 47, Fake Zoro and Fake Sanji, along with the real Chopper, had regrouped with the Fake Straw Hats who were recovering after falling unconscious.

They reported Fake Robin's, whose real name is Cocoa, kidnapping to the Fake Luffy, with the poor Chopper frantically trying to get the bunch to go after them.

To his disbelief, Fake Luffy dismisses his kidnapped crewmate and ordered the bunch to gather up their recruited pirates and track down their attacker, the real Monkey D Luffy, Nami and Usopp starting from Grove 46.


Chopper ran off, unable to believe they would just abandon "Robin". "I'll rescue her myself!" He cried and ran away. Unknown to him and the Fake Straw Hats, some Marines had been monitoring them. They reported back to Grove 66, another Marine base, about this to which the Marines begin to mobilize, ordering to usher the civilians away from the Grove that would soon become a battlefield, and mentioning that reinforcements from G-1 would also arrive later on. Among them is Sentomaru, who decided to bring along two Pacifistas.

He warned his troop not to underestimate the crew as they may have gotten stronger in the last two years: especially their captain, Luffy, whom he declared to be an entirely different caliber than the usual over 100,000,000 bounty rookies, The 12 supernovas that gathered at the Archipelago.

Meanwhile in Grove 42, Sanji had come across a fisherman and tries to buy some fish. But the man was panicking as he had a client that wanted to go fishing. The fisherman told him to get on the boat, but instead the man got on a pirate ship by mistake which took off underwater...

When Sanji heard the description of the man, he realized who it was and told the fisherman not to panic as the man can take care of himself.

However, as he said that, a pirate ship suddenly floated back up from underwater, now cut in half. The fisherman panicked even more and fainted.

"That idiot.." Sanji moved away the fisherman and walked to the destroyed ship.

"Why did you do that?!" The captain of the ship. "You ruined our dream to get to the New World!" He scolded an individual sitting on the destroyed mast, who was not phased a bit.

"It was your bad luck to meet me."

The person on the mast was none other than Roronoa Zoro, who grumbles about getting on the wrong ship. "Oi! Marimo! Stop acting like an idiot and let's head to the ship!" Sanji scolded him. Zoro turned around and his eyes fell on Sanji. "Number 7 Thinks he's so high and mighty over number 1." He said out loud. Sanji now is beyond annoyed by Zoro...

And like always, they started fighting...


Chopper galloped through Sabaody Archipelago's Grove 35, in his reindeer form, yelling wildly for "Robin", while also questioning the actions of the Straw Hats. "What happened while I wasn't around? Why they didn't help Robin-chan?!" He cried.


"Chopper over here!"

Suddenly, he heard two voices calling to him. He abruptly stopped and saw both Usopp and Nami sitting on one of the Archipelago's bubble contraptions.

Finally reunited on the island, they embraced their long-seen old friend, Chopper looked at the two of them confused.

"You've become so big and fluffy Chopper!" Nami ruffled his fur, while the said reindeer he tried to separate fake Nami from the real one before him in his mind. 'I-I'm so confused!'

Catching himself, Chopper informed them of Robin's kidnapping. Revelations abound as all three ride the bubble. Nami and Usopp explakned to their friend what's going on such as that the kidnapped Robin is a fake, as the real one would not be easy to catch, and that the Straw Hats he met before were also fakes.

Not too far from the three sttawhats, Fake Zoro and Fake Sanji were trying to find the real Chopper. "Fuck! We lost him!" Fake Zoro yelled. Fake Sanji kicked the dirt in agitation and glared at nothing.

"Wait, Look at that man." Fake Zoro pointed at a certain black haired young man passing by. "He looks like that man who knocked us unconscious using his magic." He commented to his comrade.

Luffy, Upon his last run-in and Hancock's suggestion, wore a fake mustache, turned around when he felt two men looking at him. His eyes widened when he saw "Zoro" and "Sanji" standing not too far from him.

"Zoro! Sanji!" He called the two, mistaking the fakes for the real ones. The real strawhat ran to their direction.


"Encore! Encore!" the crowd yells at Brook's farewell concert. Unfortunately, the Marines and his former managers have flanked him. The Marines confirm him as "Humming Brook" with a 33,000,000 Beri bounty and a member of the Straw Hat crew.

Brook's fans become distressed at the news, while others were silently musing that Brook should be granted leniency, even if he truly was a member of the Straw Hats, since that crew of pirates were long thought to be dead and gone. His managers explained that by honestly telling them that Brook would be retiring, it would be the end of the business exploit hence inciting them to have Brook die with them. In fact, this incites Brook to call on his band and dancers in helping him declare the truth.

"Straw Hat Luffy...Dead? Ridiculous!" Brook yelled. "Tell This to the whole World. The Pirate Straw Hat Luffy is ALIVE!". The fans screamed in happiness. "Monkey D Luffy and all the strawhats are alive! And they're waiting for me..." He bowed his head to the crowd. "So please my friends, let's cry tears of joy. Because, this is my last concert! I'm joining the strawhat pirates! I'm joining the man who will becomes the Pirate king and rule the whole world!"

The Marines were held by the fans. All his honest words made them determined to help him, Brook rocked the concert ready to go to the New World and join his crew and family.

Back on the Thousand Sunny, newly refurbished, Nami, Usopp and Chopper met up with Robin and Franky.

Usopp held Chopper as he gawked at the new upgrades on Franky who now sports concealable hands within his giant ones and a hair-frizz feature.

"I'm dying... He's so cool..." Chopper and Usopp fell to the ground. Their poor hearts couldn't hold all their excitement. Nami was overjoyed to see the real Robin again and, to a shyer extent, the real Franky.

The strawhats talked with each other for a while until Rayleigh and Shakky showed up. Shakky updates the current crew on deck where the others are and the situations on the Archipelago.

"So captain finally made it.." Franky frowned. "What about (y/n) sis? Where is she?" He asked.

"Honestly no idea. Maybe she's trying to stay low until she reaches Sunny." Shakky replied. "She's a clever girl. So don't worry about her Robot-san."


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