An Aesthetic Halloween Party
David's P.O.V.
"Wait! Vivian!" I exclaim as soon as she runs off. I sigh as I lean to the wall. Sure, what happened in that room was awkward, and I don't know what came over me and why I said that, but oh well, at least we're both safe for now.
So I decide to walk away from that place, and on the way, I meet Samuel and Regina, who are at the food section,
"Oh! You're here too! Where's Vivian?" Regina asks.
"I have no idea. She just ran off. We were both hiding from Rose and her minions. Then when we finished, she bolts away." I explain as I sit beside them.
Regina chuckles as she pats my shoulder, saying, "There, there. It'll be okay."
"Eh, whatever. I'm tired." I say as I lean back so I can finally relax from all the running. Well, it was partially my fault for running too fast, but then again, if Rose catches us, it's Vivian who's at stake, not me.
"David, my dude, you okay?" Regina asks.
"I'm fine, just extremely tired. I do regret using this costume." I reply, earning a laugh from Samuel, who wears a similar material.
"You and me, bro. Same here." He says. "what are you here as?"
"A mysterious prince. You?" I answer, asking back.
"A bartender, I know real basic, right?" He replies with a chuckle.
"Guess I'll chill here with you guys for now. I'm not a party person myself." I say.
"Sure, you can always join us," Regina says.
So throughout the party, I end up chilling with Regina and Samuel. She did end up taking a nap on Samuel's shoulder, not that I mind because this party is draining enough until Vivian appears again beside me.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Come here." She says, pulling me aside.
I confusedly followed her and what I heard was Kiara shouting at Ernest. I also see Joshua holding Kiara's boot and purse?
"Dude, you good?" I ask Joshua who's holding his girlfriend's things.
"Perfectly fine. She's going all out on him, though." Joshua says with a chuckle.
"I can see that. Oh boy, she's about to smack him. Oh, she didn't." I say with a frown because Kiara did not smack Ernest. That guy deserves a smack on his face with a chair, though, for being such an a-hole.
In the end, Kiara brings Nala to a safer place with her friends, which leaves me awkwardly standing there because all I can do now is listen and watch out if those three evil beings are still around and are out to harm Vivian. As I did that, Vivian glanced at me confusedly.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Nothing. Why are you zone out? Looking for someone?" She asks.
"Not really. Are they still out for your blood?" I ask back.
"Why would they? If they did, we could just easily expose them to the school's T.V. An iPhone recording would work." She replies with a slight laugh. "by the way..."
"Thank you for helping me out and not letting Rose stomp on me."
"No problem, kid, club members should stand for each other," I reply, patting her head, but she ends up smacking my hand.
"No touching! You're going to ruin my hair!" She scolds.
"Alright, alright! Geez!" I reply, raising my hands as this younger girl glares at me. "why are you so violent today? Where's your sense of respect, huh?!"
"None for you!" Vivian spats out.
"Well damn, who hurt you?!" I reply.
Suddenly, we both hear Kiara's voice, shocking us, "Can you two take your flirting somewhere else?!"
"Huh?" I ask.
"Sure, I'm taken, but take your flirting somewhere else, David," Joshua adds, causing me to cringe.
"Ew! Who's flirting with who?!" Vivian exclaims.
"Me and her? Not a chance!" I add.
"Sure, sure, whatever you say, my friend," Nicho says, causing me to stare at him offendedly.
The party went on as the D.J. switched the music from an upbeat one to a ballad one then to another upbeat music. For now, what I did is just snack on with Samuel and Regina...more like just Regina until I find Vivian on my lap. I blink confusedly at her. Is she seriously sitting on my lap, or am I dreaming? I even slap myself in the face but what I find is Vivian giggling.
"Vivian...?" I trail out confusedly.
"Hehe, hi..." She greeted me with a giggle. She even hugged my neck, although it was unstable.
"What's wrong? Oh my goodness, are you drunk?!" I ask. The girl on my lap shakes her head, denying her drunkness.
"Noo! I'm not drunk!" She exclaims.
"Alright, alright, you're not drunk. It still doesn't explain why you're on my lap." I say.
"Because I want to..." She replies, reaching for my mask.
"W-wait, what are you doing?" I ask.
"Opening your mask." She replies, removing my mask. Once Vivian removed my mask, she was giggling again like a little girl. "There! Even better, now I can see your handsome face!"
I sigh as I play along, pulling her closer by her waist, "So, now that you've seen my handsome face, what's next?" I ask.
Vivian does not answer me, not shocking. What happened next shocked me because instead of answering as I expected her to, she leaned in, and our lips met.
'Oh my God, this is going to be a long night...' I thought.

Teen FictionA story of five best friends who are Nala, Kiara, Vitani, Regina, and Vivian (later on). Find out everything about them right here in this story. Romance? ✔️ Friendship? ✔️ Angst? ✔️ Comedy? ✔️ Drama? ✔️ You got it all here, buddy :D Note: I'm usi...