Hoejin is online
It's the first day of destroy
dick December bitches
🤪I am gay, Raging Bisexual and 5 others are online
I am gay
Thank god, I can't believe
the edging I had to watch
you doHoejin
Fuck off, at least I tried to
enjoy myself😒Raging Bisexual
Says the boy who made
me FAIL!
You evil little minx😠Hoejin
Aww, I'm sowwy 🥺
Did I make Chwannie cum?Cracksung
Wtf man 😃Hoejin
You probably blew Felix
with socks on and stopped
before he could bust and say
you still aren't gay🙄Memelix
That did NOT happen, fyi😁Cracksung
Yeah, I wouldn't do that 😒
Not even socks could make it
less gayHoejin
YOU say that socks WONT
make it NOT GAY!?!?
I am truly shocked🙂I don't know them
Innie, we should leave😀Devil incarnate
Don't have to tell me twice 😃Puppy
If you assholes leave me
again, I will literally kill
you in your sleep.I don't know them
Damn, sorry🥲Devil incarnate
I will not try to leave until I
have your permission 🥲Puppy
Good.Raging Bisexual
Hyunjin you better come to
my room.
I still need to get my revenge
for what you did to me😠Hoejin
Okay, Chan..Raging Bisexual is offline
Minnie, I'll be in Chan's
room😏I am gay
I can't believe this shit😃Memelix
Can we just play Fortnite
or something, my brain
literally cannot take thisCracksung
Okay 😊Hoejin is offline
Cracksung is offline
Memelix is offlineI am gay
Sorry you 3, but I have
some business to attend
to ✌️I don't know them
Okay, the less I know the
better🥲Devil incarnate
We should go watch a
movie, cause today is
obviously everyone here
is too busy either gaming
or destroying a bottom
right now😃
N o h o m o
Fanfiction" You sluts better tell me why there's a fucking TAIL PLUG in my damn room, or else I'm beating Asses " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " I named myself 'Hoejin' for a reason you Heteros🙄" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " I...