Cookie dough, other than actual cookies, was the best thing to you. The one thing you always craved while watching a film or ...well... whenever.You had just woken up from a pretty restless sleep because you had a nightmare about picture frames. Don't even ask. Strolling through to the kitchen you got a craving for, you guessed it, cookie dough icecreem! You almost ran to the fridge, grabbing a spoon on the way. You swung the fridge door open with a bit more force than it needed but you didn't care. Your eyes flitted around the fridge trying to find any sign of the icecreem but there was nothing. Slowly closing the door you let out a sigh.
"Guess I have to go outside and shop!" You mumbled to yourself and ran up stairs. You pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a top and slung them on. As you ran towards the door you grabbed your bag and your mobile and pulled your keys from the counter dumping them in your bag. You just had time to slide on your shoes and you were out the door.
The shop was about a 10 minute walk away so you found your spare pair of headphones in your bag and plugged them in. The first song that came on was a Jacksepticeye song from a "happay birthday jacksepticeye" video. You loved the song, and jacksepticeye so you had to download it. He was your favourite youtuber out of all of them and you had a SLIGHT crush on him... ok maybe a massive crush on him but shhh don't tell anyone ok?
You decided to put the song on repeat and soon enough you were at the shop. Before you got inside you turned your music off and wound up the headphone and put everything back I your bag.
You reached your hand on the door and pushed it open revealing the shop inside. 'Danm it I was expecting narnia!' You said in your head. You went straight for the cold isle and hunted for the icecreem. They had everything but cookie dough! You were about to give up when someone came up beside you and reached up to get cookie dough icecreem!
"Wow I have been looking for that haha" you said to the stranger and he looked at you and smiled. THE Jacksepticeye was standing in front of you. And getting cookie dough icecreem which was even better. Your favourit youtuber + your favourit icecreem = perfection. You heard a cough and came out of your daydream to see Sean (Jacksepticeye) was holding a tub of cookie dough icecreem infront of you.
"Did you want this?" He asked cautiously.
"Thanks you so much" you smiled internally screeming and took the tub.
"Are you ok?" Sean asked. He must of seen the expression on your face that you didn't know you were making until you smiled.
"Yeah sorry I'm just a..umm.. really big fan of yours haha" you nervously laughed and he chuckled.
"Can I ask your name?" He asked politely and you told him.
"My name is y/n" you said
"In Sean, but people call me Jack." He said and you laughed.
"I know...I mean .. umm.. I dont stalk you I promise!"you exclaimed and he laughed. He pulled put his phone and looked you you.
"Y/N is it ok if we take a picture for instagram?" He asked and you nodded nervously. You walked closer to him and held the icecreem tub under your chin and smiled. He smiled to and took the picture.
"Beautiful" he smiled and looked at you. Trying to keep your cool you smiled back.
"It was really nice meeting you" you smiled nervously.
"It was great meeting you to." You detected a hint of sadness in his tone.
"Hopefully see you around then" you smiled and walked to pay. You payed for your icecreem and walked out the door. As you were a few metres down the street you heard a voice shouting your name.
"Y/N! Y/N! Sean shouted and you spun around. He was running towards you with the icecreem and the shop keeper running after him.
"Crap!, wait there!" He shouted at you and you burst out laughing. He turned round and apolagise to the shop keeper giving him the right change. You heard the shop keeper say that he would let him off this time.
When that had all finished and you had almost died of laughter Sean came jogging over to you.
"Sorry about that" now he was the nervous one.
"It was funny" you giggled and he joined in.
"I was just wondering if... could I maybe have your phone number?" He asked curiously and hopefully.
"Yeah of course" you were screeming so badly inside but acted like you wernt that bothered. I mean come on, this sort of thing happened every day to you right!?
You fished your phone out of your bag and repeated our number to him as he punched it into his phone. He thanked you and you both said your second goodbyes of the day and walked away. 'Did that even just happen!?' You kept saying to yourself.
5 minuets later your phone buzzed with a new message. You unlocked your phone and saw the message. It read:
*Heeeeey it's Jack!* you text back.
*heeeeeey! That was quick haha :)*
*thought I would give you my number aswell as you having mine* you laughed and added his number as a contact. Never thought you would see that in your contacts list. The rest of the day was spent with you both texting each other getting to know one another better. Now this story ends however you want it to...
Heeeeey guys! Sorry if this is a bad haha sorreh! I just wanted to write something so here it is. Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for reading and as always my twitter is @jess123moore if you wanna get in contact with me for any story ideas or just wanna chat! Or comment what you wanna see next. Love you all. Till next time ~Jess :) xx