
153 3 0

Olivia Green

"Are we seriously playing this right now?" I whined.

"Yes! Yes, we are! So hush up, buttercup!" Louis told me while pointing at me.

I groaned and heard Niall and Liam laughing at me. I held them up the middle finger and got up just like everyone else had... We formed a circle in the living room floor and Louis started the stupid game..

"Haz, Truth or dare?" He asked his boyfriend.
"Uh.. Truth." Harry said, but it sounded more like a question..
"Okay.. Who's better looking; Liam or Niall? And give an explanation." Louis grinned, obviously proud of himself after speaking and seeing the obvious red that showed on Harry's cheeks.

Harry looked at both the boys then he said "Well.. When Niall was blonde-" And Scarlet gasps, cutting him off, and she says "He was blonde?!" We all nod, laughing, and I get my phone out to show her a picture before we continue.. anyways.. 

Harry looks at the two again and says "Niall looks.. Liam.. you.. you're both, i mean.." Liam groans and says "C'mon, Mate.. not like we'll be offended" and Niall, jokingly, adds "Yeah, not like you're picking which of us you'd rather sleep with" We all laugh and Harry just hides his face in his hands before saying "Okay, In my opinion, you're both ugly fuckers! But from a girl's prospective, I'd choose Niall.. because Niall looks more.. comforting. But then Liam looks like a kinky fuck.. and I know he is. I've heard it" We all burst out laughing then Niall says "Honestly, I do not miss living in a room right next to his" and Liam slaps his arm and says "As if we didn't hear it from you too!" 

Anyways, Harry looks at Scarlet and says "Truth or dare, newbie?" She gets this gleam in her eyes and very confidently chooses dare.. All of us 'ooo' quietly and she rolls her eyes while smiling and says "C'mon, Harry, gimme something hard." He looks at Louis and the blue eyed boy leans over and whispers something in the green eyed boy's ear.. Harry starts laughing like crazy and can't even tell her what the dare is so Louis has to..

"So, Call McDonalds or someplace, like, fast food, and start seducing the worker on the phone and have it on speaker so we can hear" We all laugh as well, just imagining what this is gonna be like, and she gladly gets her phone out and looks up the number for an open restaurant near us..

It rings once and they pick up..

"Hey, This is Robby at McDonald's. What can I get for you?" 

"Hey, Robby...What all is on your menu?"

"Uh.. we have, like, chicken sandwiches, burgers, chicken nuggets, fries-"

"Can I maybe get.. your number with a side of your nuggets?"

"Uhhh... Well.. Uhm... Y-You said you wanted nuggets? We have a ten piece-"

He sounded so flustered and confused as he just tried to go on with the order but all of us burst out laughing and she quickly hung up.. when we were all calm enough to continue the game, she looked at Niall and asked the question. "Uh.. truth" I punched his arm and called him a wuss then Scarlet said "Uh.. what's your favorite thing Olivia does in bed?" My cheeks turn a deep shade of red and Niall awkwardly clears his throat.. He looks at the floor, avoiding everyone's eyes, and he says "Uhm.. she, I guess, uhm.." and I cover my face with my hands as he literally tells our friends "She s-sometimes scratches my shoulders.. and th-that's really, uh, hot.."

Before anyone can say anything, Niall looks at Liam and says "Truth or dare?" "Well.. I guess dare.. but be nice" Niall grins and says "Okay, here's an easy one.. Pair each of us in his room with a different person than we're already with" He furrows his eyebrows and says "Like.. as couples?" Niall nod.  "Okay.. that's easy enough.. just a little awkward.. Uh.."

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He looks around at all of us then says "Scarlet's outfit matches Louis so Imma just pair them two" then he looks at me, Niall, Harry, and himself..

"And.. Olly, you're be with Harry.. And Niall and I"

We all nod in agreement, understanding how he made all those connections, then he asks me "Truth or dare, Liv?" "Uh. Dare. Make it a hard one. Like, super hard"

"Okay, uh.. make a hickey, like a real hickey, on someone's neck of your choice BESIDES NIALL"

Louis groans and says "That's not even that hard of a dare!!" and I grin and say "Okay, I choose you then, Lou"

His eyes go wide and he says "You're.. fucking.. kidding.."

I laugh and get up from my seat on the ground and plot myself down next to him. He stares at me still then turns to face Harry, obviously looking for help, but Harry says "A dare is a dare.. and she chose you. So suck it up, buttercup"

Louis elbows him then looks at me... "Fine.. go for it"

He tilts his head a little and I look at his neck for a second before choosing a spot and leaning up to start..

I have one hand on his face so he'd stay still and my lips are attached to his neck.. I feel one of his hands on my side and I gently bite down and suck a little harder. He gasps and his grip on my side tightens. My eyes are shut and after about a minute, I swipe my tongue over the love bite and pull away. I bring my thumb up and wipe the bit of spit from the new purply-red mark, and I back away. "Ta-da!" everyone scoots in to get a better look at it and Louis' cheeks are red. I move back to my spot by Niall and look at Louis. 
"Truth or dare, Lou?"

"Uh.. Truth"

"You're such a wuss! Anyways.. Uh, So, Who's the bottom and who's the top? Explain if you guys switch.." I motion to him and Harry. Harry laughs and says "we switch" and Louis says "Normally he goes first.. like.. for being top.. but then I go and destroy his walking ability" We all laugh then the circle starts again.. With Louis asking Harry.. but this time, we can all only choose dare.

"Okay, so, Hazzy, I dare you to sit in Scarlet's lap until she completes her dare." Harry crawls over to Scarlet and she moved her legs so he can sit down. She wraps her arms around his torso and suddenly says "Hey, you smell good" with a laugh. and Harry laughs too and says "Thanks" before saying "okay, Scarlet, it's all dares so: I dare you to.... kiss someone. On the lips. Like, for three seconds." She nods then looks around.. She points at me and says "You're boyfriend is right next to you so.. no.. and these two are literally gay.. so, Liam?"

"U-uhm.. yeah?" "I've gotta kiss you, c'mere! I can't get Harry off my lap until my turn is over, so you've gotta come to me"

He clears his throat and gets up. I notice how his hands fidget and I nervously look at Niall. I lean over and whisper "Is this a good idea? Considering he just got dumped?" Niall shrugs and says "Maybe.. this could be a good thing, considering he just got dumped." Oh.. I didn't think of it that way.. maybe he's right though.. 

Liam gets on his knees next to Scarlet and Harry (because he's in her lap) and he gently places his hand under her chin and moves her up to his lips. They don't just purse they're lips and touch because that'd be weird like a playground kiss, they part their lips then set them together so they form like puzzle pieces.. After about 3 or 4 seconds, they pull away and Scarlet gives him such a genuine smile.. Oh my god.. is this game gonna blossom a new romance?! Liam smiles right back then goes back to his place in the circle..

Liam.. smiled.

Like, a true, real smile.. 


Scarlet pushed Harry off her then turned to Niall. "Dare you to make out with your girlfriend" She said it so damn casually, as if it's not a big deal!!! Oh my god, I'm gonna kill her later!!! He shrugs and grabs my sides, pulling me completely on top of his lap, and he starts kissing me. I kiss back of course but I'm still very aware of the eyes around us.. that doesn't stop me from melting into his lips and threading my fingers in his hair though.. Just when his tongue wipes over my bottom lip and I'm about to open my mouth to allow him in, two arms go around me from behind me and pull me off of Niall. We all laugh and I look back and see Scarlet was the one who removed me from my boyfriend. "We did not wanna see tongues get involved sooo.." I laugh and nod, understanding, and I stay with my back against her chest, all cuddled up in her arms.. Niall turns to Liam and says "Dare you to... tell us how the kiss was with Scarlet. In detail. What're her lips like? Was it good?"

Liam's face goes red and Scarlet actually pays attention, wanting to know what he says. 

"Well.. it was definitely good. She's a wonderful kisser.. and.. her lips are soft and whatever lip gloss, or, uh, chap stick you have on tastes really good." We all had these knowing smiles and Scarlet said "Well, thank you, Liam.. You're a good kisser aswell.. and as for my chap stick, it's peaches and cream. You should try it again sometime" 

Literally everyone gasps and turns to look at her.. She just invited him to kiss her again.

She smiles and looks at the ground. I get out of her lap and set by Niall..

Anyways, Liam turns to me and says "Olivia.. I dare you.. to.. take off one article of clothing -bra or underwear - and give it to someone in the room"

I shrug then reach under my shirt and unclip my bra. I slide it off then pull it out from my shirt and suddenly throw it at Harry. He screams and jumps away while literally shouting "AHH I'M GAY DON'T DO THAT!" and we all burst out laughing. Louis picks it up by the shoulder strap, holding it away from him, and he proceeds to throw it at Liam. Liam jumps up and says "Don't do that! She's like my sister! I don't want her bra!" then kicks it and it goes flying.. right into Harry's face.

Harry screams and struggles to get it off then it somehow lands back in my lap. I'm actually fucking dying of laughter right now and cannot fucking stop.. 

I suddenly feel a pain in my stomach as I'm trying to catch my breath.. I rest my hand on my side and take a couple deep breaths.. There's a second pain and I wince a little.. No one noticed, except Niall who placed his hand on the small of my back and whispered "Are you okay?"

"uhm.. i-i just have to go to the bathroom.." 

He's a player (Niall Horan AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora