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Aashi pov:

I sobbed as I exited the penthouse.
Daksh had never yelled at me before.
However, he managed to pull it off
today. Despite the fact that he shouted at me, I am neither furious
nor upset with him; rather, I am sad
because I regret disparaging Hasna.

I didn't mean to accuse her but that's exactly what I did. My blood boiled
with rage at Hasna as I saw Daksh
Anna with wounds. Because, I assumed that, it's all happened due to her when I heard that Daksh had
been bitten by a snake while saving

I love him dearly like a sister. Why?
When something similar happens to
your siblings, don't you become irate?

Anyone can, it's self-evident.Although
I became enraged and yelled at her,
that does not mean that I despise her.
I lashed out at her because we three share a special bond as siblings.
Despite the fact that they are not my
brothers, I care for them.

Other than my parents, they three (Rishi, Daksh & Cabir) are the most important people in my life.

You people may wonder that I never endure problems in my life and have been nurtured like a queen by my parents but it's a big no.

My parents never had time to spend
with me since I was a child. They
were always occupied with their task.
I don't have anyone to play with me.
Because I used to be a nerd, I was
often bullied by my classmates.

One day as usual, my fellow classmates were bullying me. They
shoved me into a puddle and
surrounded me while laughingloudly at my suitation.

However, their laughter faded when they saw Daksh, Cabir and Rishi.

They were popular in the school campus. These three individuals were the one who saved me from being bullied.

They taught me how to stand up for myself and I learned a lot from them. They taught me everything like I was their own sister. I gradually became
their sister, just like Cabir's sister Pari.

In the guise of best friends, I got three brothers.

For the first time in my life, he screamed at me. Yet, I'm well aware that I'm at fault which is why he hollered at me to teach me a lesson.


Wiping away my tears, I glanced around only to see Cabir Anna nearing me with concern.

"Are you all right?" He asked me worriedly.

"Hmm" I hummed, unable to speak up as I felt a lump formed in my throat.

"I don't think so" He mumbled as he tucked his hands into his pockets.

"I, too, believe the same, Cabir" Rishi remarked out of nowhere.

I didn't speak up anything and kept quiet whilst looking at my feet by crying silently.

"Sunshine, look at me" Cabir urged, untucking his hands from his pockets by holding my face in his hands making me look at him.

"I know you didn't mean to hurt Close up by your words, but she got hurt. You didn't do it on purpose instead you did it out of affection for us." Cabir tried to console me with his words, but my tears were unstoppable.

"It's fine, everyone makes mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. It's okay, just apologize to her from the bottom of your heart and I bet she will forgive you" Rishi assured me.

Cabir wiped my tears as I nodded my head while sniffling.

"Will Daksh ever talk to me again?" I asked them, looking like a child who had been chastised by her mom.

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