Chapter 12: Big mad >:(

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"Uhhh, you okay, bud? You've been...rather clingy this morning." My human muttered.

What did he mean by "clingy"? I'm only being protective! So what if I'm not allowing him to move? He's safe in my arms, and that's all that mattered right now.

"Not talking today either, eh? You sure are a weird creature, dude..."

Weird??? I'm not weird! Doesn't he know that I'm only trying to keep him safe? Well, my human is a brat, that's for sure. It seems that I can never satisfy him...

Perhaps there's another way?

"Hm? Parker...? What are you-"

When I first met my human, he gave me pleasure....pleasure that I have not returned yet. Is that why he's been so snobby towards me? Because he hasn't gotten anything in return? I might be able to slam some sense into him by doing this...

Without a single afterthought, I lowered my head down to his crotch area, licking at the spot where his bulge usually was located at.

"W-Whoa! Hey, hey...I uh, don't need your help right now with anything..." He gasped, pushing my head away.

I didn't want to get mad, but his bratty attitude can really be a mood killer...

"W..Want..." I muttered softly, looking up at him while I continued licking. He must like it when I act all nice...because his annoyed expression quickly turned into a small smirk.

"Aww...what got you all excited so suddenly? I've hardly done anything today..."

I felt a hand pat my head as I licked. If this won't convince him, nothing will. I just want my human to feel good before punishment struck him....roughly.

"Fine...if I let you do this, then you'll leave me alone, correct?" He sighed, stroking my hair gently with his thumb.

I shook my head no, obviously it wasn't just going to be a blowjob, something so little was only going to end up feeding his ego.

"Hm? Do you want me to...uh..?"

I never really understood why he was always so nervous to say fuck you to me, though I guess he's just shy like that. It's actually kind of cute.

Shaking my head no, I answered, " aro...und."

My human's face turned a new shade of red, one that I have never seen before. He really does get flustered by everything I say, huh?



"Parker...I said I only wanted that to be a one time thing, remember? Yeah, it wasn't me who was, well, receiving, but still."

Oh, g r e a t. He's making this more difficult than it needs to be. Why can't my human understand anything?!

My tongue pushes at his bulge harder in attempt to get a noise out of him, which works. He made the tiniest groan I had ever heard, but it was still music to my ears nonetheless.

His hips started to rise, "Nmgh~ Dude, whyyy??" He allowed my tongue to travel up towards his waist.

"Brat." I hissed, shoving a hand down his loose pants. (I need to remind myself to go look for new clothes for him after this...)


"You...are. be tau..ght less..ons." I snarled with my raspy voice.


A shuttering gasp left my human's throat as I yanked his pants and other layers of clothing on his lower half down.
Luckily for me, he seemed to be just as excited as I was.

"" I muttered, going straight to licking.

My human started to make those beautiful noises that I constantly craved, noises that only I was allowed to be the cause of.

He started to yank at my hair, most likely so my mouth could take more of him in. But as much as I would allow him to do so, this was supposed to be a punishment. Therefore...

"H-Hey, what are you doing?? I was enjoying myself..." My sad human groaned as I pulled away.

"Brat~" I hummed, watching his pathetic hips twitch around for friction. It was never not amusing to watch...

"Ghh~ What you even want?!"

"" I chirped in a quick response.

It took him by surprise when I grabbed ahold of his hips to flip him around. I needed my human to be on his stomach.

Leaning in close to his ear, I decided to put my broken english to the test, which ended up turning out to be quite successful:

"In other words....I fuck you...until you forget...who you are."

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