"I feel like i'm out on missing something"

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This is y/n's Pov during the episode Mario SAW and The Mario Carnival
'Hm, I feel like I'm being left out of something' y/n thought. At the moment y/n,  Tari, and Meggy were playing a game of smash bros ultimate. "I have to go home and sharpen my sword" y/n explained "it was nice playing with you two!". He left and went on his way, he has an erie feeling around him...
Bout an Hour later...
"Hello?" Y/n said " is anyone here?" Then he saw a poster saying that bob's carnival was in town. Y/n decided he was going to check it out. He started walking and saw Tari, " Tari! Hold up!" He yelled. "huh? Oh, hi." They talked for a bit until they reached the carnival. She goes to fish for the fishing mini game to get a rubber duck and y/n chats to Bob. ( y/n leaves before the episode: The Mario Carnival  begins)
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