Frenemies & Hila 🍵

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I know I'm very late on the subject but I still want to talk about it after everything has happened.

I really loved Frenemies. A lot of other people did as well, but I think the majority can agree that it was bound to end...

Mostly because Trisha is just too unstable, and that's not even an offensive opinion, that's a hard hitting fact.

I don't think Ethan knew what he and Hila signed up for. After all that has came out, I don't think they really knew her as much as they thought they did.

The show had basically broken up over money issues....but did it really?

To me it seems like the problem was so much more than money, especially after Trisha and Ethan both made numerous videos bringing up past shit that they had said and did to eachother.

Clearly both of them were not over some of their past arguments and issues. The "5 percent" was just the straw that broke the camels back.

I'm honestly surprised that they even had a podcast together, and the only person that I really feel sorry for is Hila.

Before Frenemies was even a thing, on numerous occasions Trisha has intensely flirted with Ethan and has made videos saying how much she wanted to fuck him.

Now, even if she was "joking" or it's all a "troll". It doesn't matter and personally I don't buy it. She has flirted with Ethan wayyyy too many times for it to be a "joke". Online and especially in person.

Even in front of Hila's face.

Trisha has tweeted her vagina at Ethan, and she has even made videos of her masturbating to his podcast. Even if it is all a troll, Trisha is still going out of her way to disrespect Hila.

The fact that Ethan even let Trisha onto his show is just very surprising. If I was Hila I wouldn't feel comfortable with someone who would openly flirt and send nudes to my husband. Even being in the same room with Trisha would irritate me.

Sometimes I would wonder if Hila was just hiding how she really felt about Trisha. Hila isn't a very confrontational person, so she may have just tried to put up with her because she's dating her brother, Moses.

Now, Moses....

Doesn't seem very innocent in all of this. A lot of people thought that Moses was a good person, just because he was related to Hila and because of how quiet he was, but clearly that's not the case.

Moses is a huge enabler. He definitely enables Trisha and he let's her get away with a lot,

Because when you consider all of the things that he's let her get away with, you start to realize that he's not innocent.

He seemed to have no problem when Trisha was constantly hitting on Ethan, when she was saying horrible things about his sister, and when she went on Keemstars podcast.

In fact not only did he just have no issue with her going on Keems podcast...He Went With Her.

Moses was just casually sitting on the couch as Trisha and Keem were shitting on Ethan. Another thing to mention, Keem has constantly called Hila a horse.

It doesn't sit right with me that Hila's fucking brotherrr, went on a podcast just so Trisha can talk shit with the families "enemy".

Moses clearly doesn't respect his sister for fucking shit. He'd rather choose drama and Trisha over his family.

Ever since the podcast ended, a lot of people noticed that a lot of the arguments that Trisha and Ethan had was "pregnancy" "baby" related. Which is a sensitive topic for Trisha since she has stated several times that she can't have kids.

This has made a lot of people speculate that Trisha was most likely jealous of Hila and Hila's life.

She has a successful clothing brand, stability, a beautiful baby with another one on the way, and most importantly, Ethan.

Trisha had made it very clear that she was interested in Ethan the very beginning. Which has people thinking that maybe the whole reason Trisha agreed to do Frenemies was to get close with Ethan. However, she ended up settling for Moses instead.

Honestly the sad thing is, I wouldn't put it past Trisha. She already shown multiple times that she doesn't respect Hila.

Props to Hila for putting up with Trisha for as long as she did. I'm surprised she didn't ever snap on Trisha for her behavior.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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