Today at tots, Bodhi was going to get an unexpected surprise.
He was blindfolded and begging guided by pip and Freddy after he came back from delivering a baby guinea pig that his daughters knew very well.
Bodhi used to not like surprises but now he was eager to see what it was.
Bodhi: oh why can't you guys tell me it now, you know I don't like surprises
Pip: then it wouldn't be a surprise
Bodhi: aw can i see now, I'm very excited
Freddy: ah no peeking
Pip: we're almost there and
What he was going to see, he won't be happy to see. They took off his blindfold at the same time.
Pip/Freddy: SURPRISE
He kept his eyes closed and when he opened them, he saw a older stork, he had sideburns and a beard, his hair was in a ponytail, he wore an old fighter pilot uniform.
He was talking to JP when he saw Bodhi, he smiled but Bodhi made that same look when he was going to deliver Gil the guinea pig, he stared at him terrified and speechless.
Jacob: Bodhi!!
Bodhi: DAD?
Jacob: come and get your old man a hug
He rushes over to him and pulls him in a bear hug.
Jacob: (sigh)
Bodhi: ugh, how did you find me
He puts him down and captain beakman walked behind him.
Captain beakman: I brought him here
Bodhi: huh but what would you do that captain
Captain beakman: because I think it's time you faced your fear and if Freddy can deal with his parents then you can face yours and besides your dad probably misses you
He looks at his dad and saw how upset he looked, it made him had a fear in his heart, he took his hat off and makes a shameful look.
Bodhi: dad-uh I can explain
He held a his wing up and frowns.
Jacob: don't be-
It then made him felt scared.
Jacob: I'm the one who owes you an explanation and a apology
Bodhi: huh?
Jacob: I never wanted you to be perfect, I was wanted to prep you for the world, that's why I was training you for the flight academy so you could continue the family legacy and Mainly because I was out under pressure too by your grandfather, I just wished I could turn back time and take it easy on you, when you were testing I was out planning everything for your party but when you didn't came, I went to your school and I found out that you failed but I blamed myself for that
Bodhi: really
Jacob: yes I should've never had scared or pressure you
Bodhi: dad the reason why I left was because I didn't wanted to go back home a failure that test meant everything to you, you were so excited I didn't wanted to fail you
Jacob: Bodhi? That test didn't really mattered to me, your safety is all that matters to me and after you disappeared, I went out to search for you
And those last words touched his heart.
Bodhi: (gasp) what? Really! You searched for me
Jacob :yes so that I can tell you how proud I was to have you for a son, I scanned the entire globed, called in a few favors and searched every day to find you, I was about to give up when this captain found me and told me about what you accomplished and I must say Bodhi
He walks up to him and puts both wings on his shoulders.
Jacob: Bodhi I'm proud what you done, I could never be more prouder and it looks like you were able to continue our family legacy
Bodhi: huh?
He wraps his wing around his shoulders and they walk up to the hall of great fliers.
Jacob:Bodhi how do you think your do great with kids and Why I had you go to flight academy, it's because I was a flier
They look up to see a old picture of his dad in a tots flier costume.
Bodhi: (gasp) you were a flier dad?
Jacob: yep, I was the fastest, the bravest, the strongest and most handsomest flier to ever deliver tots there ever was and I was hoping that one day you'd be here and gave your picture mount on the wall of great fliers like me, your grandfather and everyone that has even been a flier in our family line
Bodhi was surprised that he comes from a long line of fliers in his family and he was filled with pride that he is know still continuing his family legacy, he looks around to see pictures of his family as fliers, he then looks back at his dad.
Bodhi: so that means I've had tots fliers blood coursing through my veins
Jacob: yes kiddo
Bodhi: well dad I may not have my picture on the hall of great fliers but I'd delivered tots to their families and that's something I'm proud of
His dad walks up to him and grabs both his shoulders, facing him.
Jacob: and that's something I could never be more that proud of your for
Captain beakman: not yet
They both turned towards her and saw captain beakman holding a picture of Bodhi and placing it inside the hall of great fliers next to his dad.
Captain beakman: congratulations Bodhi you'd got your picture in the hall of great fliers
He looks back at his dad and places both his wings on his dad's wings and they both smiled.
Captain beakman: well done Bodhi I'm so proud of you
Jacob: so I am
Bodhi: look at that dad, your dream has finally came true, I did it, I made it on the hall of great fliers
Jacob: I'm so proud of you my son
They then hugged each other lovingly.
Jacob: I've always been proud of you
Bodhi has finally faced his biggest fear, seeing his dad, now that he and his dad has finally see each other heart to heart, it's time for his dad to start a new adventure.
They let go and looked down to see Gia and Gina pulling on his leg.
Gia/Gina: (laughing)
Jacob: (laughing)
His dad smiles as Bodhi bends down and picks his daughters up, showing them to his dad.
Jacob: and I was wondering when I was going to meet my granddaughters
He takes Gina and hold her close to him, she smiles at him and it made him happy. Bodhi rubbed the back of his head looking embarrassed.
Bodhi: (nervous chuckles) yeah sorry about that
Jacob: they are so beautiful Bodhi
Bodhi: thanks dad, look I know they aren'twhat you imagine them to be
Jacob: it's quite alright Bodhi, your mother was a Panda
Bodhi/jacob: (laughing)
Bodhi: well dad meet my daughters, Gia and Gina,
Jacob: hello there little ones, I am your grandfather
Gia/Gina: (laughing)
Gina: grandpa
Gia: (laughing) grandpa
It made him smile when he saw Gia grabbing his finger.
They looked up and walked out, holding his daughters and talked.

30 days of totsember
FanfictionFamily drama prompts at headquarters in T. O. T. S. About each member of T. O. T. S. have a family problem but everyone at tots help each other fight their inner demons together like family