Chapter 18 Extreme Rules 2020

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May 31, 2020
WWE Extreme Rules
Little Caesars Arena, Detroit, Michigan
2 Hours before the Show

Don was already dressed up for tonight as he and Cedric have their first chance at the Raw Tag Team Championships. For Don, this is important this for him is the litmus test if he is championship caliber or if this is a one time thing.

As Don was zoning into focus for his upcoming match, he did not notice the quick footsteps and bouncing about until....

Liv: Donny! 

Don was caught off guard and stepped back in surprise due to the Problem Child's way of getting his attention. He saw Liv and breathed to catch his breath

Don: I asked for Liv, not Chucky! You scared me!

Liv: I wasn't cosplaying as Chucky - pouts - but you gave me an idea for some future gear - giggles -

Don: Oh great. But - breathes - please, don't do that again.

Liv: So why so focused earlier Donny?

Don: Well I am going for my first title opportunity on the main roster tonight.

Liv: Oh yeah, - smiles - you will do great Donny.

Don: I know you will in your match against Nattie and CJ

Liv then breathes and opens her arms wide.

Liv: One before we start the show?

Don knew what had to be done, so he wraps her in a friendly hug. Liv hugged back as tight and the two friends felt like nothing else was around to stop them.

That is until Cedric and Ruby saw their tag partners in a warm embrace and gave them a few minutes until Ruby smacked Liv's butt.

Liv's eyes suddenly opened and pouted at Don.

Liv: Donny you killed the moment.

Don: What do you mean?

Liv: You spanked my tushy...

Don: First of all, Liv, use your big girl words. Second, I didn't do that. My hands have always been on your back.

Liv: If it wasn't you, then... 

Ruby: Sorry to break the hug you two but we both need our tag partners to talk about last minute prep for the matches

Cedric: Uhhh... what she said!

Don: Lost your words Ced?

Cedric: Hey man, come on! Go be Donny Romantico later. For now, we got a match to prepare for.

Don: Guess it's see you later G?

Liv: Alright P - smiles - 

Ruby and Cedric: P? - looks at Don -

Don: What?

Riott Squad v. Lana and Natalya

Mike Rome: The following contest is scheduled for onefall

Mike Rome: First, Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan, the Riott Squad!

Joe: Well here comes a team I kinda like now and showing their edge.

Byron: Well, I do admire their tenacity but at times, it is coming off as offensive and hurtful

Joe: Boo hoo Saxton. They tried playing nice but it got them nowhere. Now they got this attitude, they seem to be finally hitting it off

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