The day of the date

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Well here goes today is the day I can prove mr I know best that I won't easily fall for him, I only agreed to show him and I suppose I better start making an effort, I'm marrying him wether I like it or not I need to know the real Christian.

Tabatha came in to help me get ready, she'd chosen a nice relaxed outfit a pair of high waist jeans my designer trainers and a smart t shirt and jacket.

Today would be difficult, I do hate Christian but it's not his fault, I hate the fact I have to marry him, I wish I was marrying Dylan, but no Dylan isn't taking over the mafia Christian is so of course he had to be the brother.

I wish I could come up with a plan to get away from this world but it's too dangerous, my father would come looking for me everyone knows who I am, I wish I could just blend in to society but the truth is, I can't I tried it and I was found after 3 days, like my father always says "being born into the mafia world is something you have to live with Principessa".

I sat on my bed deep In thought thinking of a plan something I could to escape this life, I want to get away even if it's just for a few days, escape from everything, be a normal girl, just this once.

' knock knock' in comes Emma " hi darling Christian sent me up here he's ready to go"

I nod and head downstairs to see Christian waiting at the door on his phone, and wow he loved stunning today, he wore a shirt rolled up at the sleeves you could see his tattoos all over his arms, he stood with his jacket in his hand, pair of ripped jeans on and his hair had been cut, he looked up at me And grinned " my angel, are you ready?"

He tried to take my hand but I looked At him rolled my eyes and walked straight past him, I smiled to myself as I made my way over to the car, but I notice their are no security, " just us today, angel" he opened the door for me " let's have some fun"

He learned over and put my seatbelt on, taking his time as he hovered over my body, he grinned looking me straight in the eye, I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding, why was that so hot?

Ok so for the first time in forever, I'm attracted to Christian he's making me nervous, what the hell?

Christian pulls out of the drive, I see men stood around but non of them are following us, " as much as I want no security is this really wise? Having no men?" I asked feeling a little worried.

" oh we'll have men, you just won't see them. I'm trying to give you a normal day, angel. I'm trying here Morgan" he said while looking between me and the wheel.

" where are we going?"

" to a student bar, first we will have drink and then fancy a game of pool?"

Ok he's definitely been speaking to Dylan, I told Dylan I'd always wanted to go to a student club and play pool, because I was never allowed to university, I always wanted to go to a bar like a student.

I smiled " why? Like what made you choose this?"

Christian laughed " I have my connections, don't you worry your little self, angel"

The way he says Angel, got me feeling all kinds of things , ugh I don't like this.

We pull up at a small parking lot and he jumps out and opens my door, "ready Angel?"

He helps me out and tires to hold my hand but I quickly move it, " have it your way" he says as he snakes his arm my neck, I shake my head and walk towards the student bar, as soon as I enter the smell of cheap beer and liquor invade my nostrils.

I walk towards the bar and watch as Christian gets straight to playing pool with a group of young lads, everyone here probably attends the local university.

" what's your major, beautiful?" A young lad next to me asks while passing me a drink " here's a jack Daniels" the lad grins

He was very good looking, young too maybe around 19.

Ok I need him to think I'm a college student too, " I'm majoring in English lit"

Yes English literature, that's my keen interest so I'll go with that. I smile to myself. Quick one Morgan, well done.

" Nice, I'm doing medical, the names Josh, what's yours beautiful?"

I don't want to tell him my real name.

"The names Samantha"

" nice meeting you, Samantha, fancy a game of pool later?"

I nod and look over to Christian who's eyeing me up while he plays pool, I walk over to make sure he's playing nice when he grabs my arms " don't forget who your marrying, angel" he whispers down my ear through clench teeth, his grip gets tighter when I notice Josh walking over, I pull my arm from his grasp quickly, rubbing the pain he left behind.

" is everything ok here guys? Do you want another drink sam?" He turns to me

" no she doesn't" Christian answers for me

" I will talk for myself, yes please Josh shall we walk to the bar?" I ask, giving Christian a look

" lead the way my lady" Josh laughs tapping me on the butt as we make our way towards the bar.

Before I could turn around Christian Is at Josh's side " touch her again, and you'll have no knee caps"

" is that a threat, mate" Josh said as he got in Christians face.

I stood inbetween the men " Christian stop it, go back to playing pool"

He went to turn around to walk away when he stopped in his tracks, turned around and faced me and Josh, he pulled out a gun and held it to Josh's head " yes it's a fucking threat. Touch my woman again and I'll not just blow your fucking brains out but I'll also kill everyone you love, got it mate?"

" Morgan were leaving . Fucking get in the car now!"

Josh stood there frozen in place looking at the gun " I'm... s s s... sorry.. mate.. I I I was just being friendly"

Christian grabbed my arm and tried to pull me towards the door, " get off of me Christian! I'm not going with you I'm staying here!" I shouted pulling my arm from his grip.

Christian waved his arm around and loads of his men dressed casually pounced on us, they grabbed me and dragged me to the car, but I managed to break free.

I ran and ran until I came to a sign that said, ' Rosaline campus' I ran inside and entered the building, I realised it was the university halls.

I entered a room with sofas, vending machines TVs and computers, I grabbed a drink and sat down on the sofa. I'm not going back, not yet anyway.

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