Never too Big

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A/N: Anyone up for a little throw back Thursday!? (Okay ik it's not Thursday but so what!)

Today's fanfic will be about....OSMOSIS JONES! Oh and Tiffany's my OC btw

"You're leaving? Right now?" Tiffany asked horrified of the idea of her brother leaving for work. After Osmosis, Drix, and Tiffany accidentally left Frank's body, they moved onto Hector's. It was a lot better then it use to be and the apartment was great. She made a lot of friends at her new school. She wouldn't wanna live anywhere different. The only thing that bothers her, is Ozzie's job. She loved her brother more than anything in the world, but she was not a fan of watching him leave.

Jones was finishing packing up his bag as he hoisted it on his shoulder. "Sorry Tiff. Duty calls." Tiffany wasn't one to give up. She wrapped her white blood cell arms around his leg like a baby monkey. "But you promised! You promised to play with me today!" It was true. Jones did promise his sister to play with her today. They haven't had a time to themselves because of Jones's job. It was suppose to be his day off today but he got a call from Drix, who got a call from the mayor, to come down to his office. Osmosis didn't know what it was but he rolled his eyes and agreed.

Osmosis hated having to say goodbye to his sister. But he put in a brave face just like his father did and smiled. "Hey don't worry. It's not gonna be forever." Ozzie explained gently pulling his sister off of his leg. "It's okay Tiff. It's only gonna be for a while. I promise." Osmosis replied as Tiffany fought back the tears that threaten to fall off her face. "Okay."

"Hey guess what?" Jones's started as he bent down on one knee to match Tiffany's level. "Drix is coming over to watch you. So you won't be alone." Jones replied trying to sound optimistic. Tiff rolled her eyes. "Hey come on, I thought you liked Drix."

"I do but..." Tiffany ran out of words to say. "But..." Osmosis raised his brow waiting for his sister to finish. ""

"Osmosis Jones." Just then, Drix walked into Jones's apartment. "Ay there Drix, how's it gonna man?" Ozzie rose to his feet to greet his friend. They both shook hands and smiled. "I'm sure the mayor has an important job for you."

"Yeah right." Jones replied realizing the mayor is still a child. He turned back to Tiffany who looked safer then before. "Hey sis, what did you wanna tell me?" He asked her but Tiff shook her head. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Alright then. You know the drill Drix. Cya buddy." With that, Osmosis walked out the door and got into his car. "Whatever it is, it better be good."


3 hours passed by for Tiffany as she silently waited in her room for her brother to come back. It was getting dark and she was getting worried. "Okay okay calm down. It's okay." She told herself. Drix told her that they always call Jones at 10:00pm. It was 9:30. Tiff looked around the room for something to play with.

She noticed her old my little pony dolls she use to play with when she was younger. She picked them up from the selves and set them on the floor of her room. "Hello Fluttershy, would you like to play with me? Why of course Pinkie Pie. We'll eat cake and pies together."


The time was exactly 9:45pm. Osmosis yawned as he finally stopped the car to his apartment. "Finally Hector's asleep." He said as he walked to the front door of his apartment building. When he stepped in, he went to the elevator and pressed the 5th floor. From there, he found Drix just closing the door. "Oh, you've arrived home." He said as Osmosis smiled sleepy. "Yeah. Where's my sis?"

"In her room. She's been in there all day."

"Thank Drix. See you at work tomorrow." He said as Drix left the building while Osmosis walked through the door. As soon as he stepped in, he heard his sister mimicking voice characters in her room. "Huh?" He said, locking the door behind him. Ozzie walked into Tiffany's bedroom and saw her playing with her toys. "C'mon Rainbow Dash, Equestria needs our help. And so does Twilight!" Ozzie noticed that she was mimicking Pinkie Pie's voice. Tiffany changed her voice a bit to make it sound like Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry Pinkie, I won't let the team down." Tiffany swiftly swayed Rainbow Dash in the air line she was flying in her room.

Ozzie smiled at his little sister, grateful that she didn't waste all of her time on him. He then decided to slowly creep up on her without making a sound and cover her eyes. Tiff squealed at the sudden darkness around her. "Guess who?" Tiffany giggled knowing about her silly brother. "Ozzie!" She yelled as Ozzie uncovered her eyes. Tiff reached out her arms and wrapped them around her brother's neck. Ozzie had to watch his footing sense he almost fell over when she did that. "Hey there sis calm down. It's alright." He said wrapping his own arms around Tiffany. "It's okay I'm here. See, look at this pretty face." Tiffany looked up to see Jones stretching out his eyes really far and widening his smile to see all of his teeth. Tiff giggled again while Jones placed his sister on her bed.

Jones looked down at the little pony toys and an idea flew into his membrane. "Hey Tiff, I got a surprise for you."

"Really!" Tiff said as she squealed with joy. "Yep, and all you gotta do is sit there and watch a presentation by yours truly." Osmosis said as Tiffany nodded and sat on her bed cross-legged. Osmosis bent down and grabbed a few of the pony toys and shaped them into a big circle. He peak out on the edge of the bed like a ground hog peaking out of its hole. "Ready?" He asked as Tiffany gave him thumbs up. "Ready." Changing his voice, Osmosis grabbed Pinkie Pie from the circle and held her on the edge of the bed and said, "'Wow wi Applejack. This is one fine place for the Apple family. Ain't it?'" Tiffany didn't laugh because of his voices. She was laughing because he purposely got the accents wrong. Applejack was suppose to talk like a country girl, not Pinkie Pie.

Tiffany laughed at the 'presentation' and said, "Pinkie Pie doesn't talk like that."

"'Well of course I do, where do you think I live, Sugar Cube corner?'" Tiffany laughed more as Osmosis brought out Applejack. "'Why, I love it Pinkie! This is gonna be so much fun. I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait!'"

Throughout the night, Osmosis entertained his sister with giggles and laughter with all of her my little pony toys. He would even add in a few sounds effects to make it more funny. Tiffany had never laughed like this in her entire life. Not even the girls at school made her laugh like this.

Soon, the play was over and Tiffany clapped for her brother. "Wahoo! Go Ozzie!" Osmosis smiled warmly at the mention of his name. He placed all of the ponies down on the floor and climbed onto Tiffany's bed. "So, did you like the surprise?" Tiffany pounced on her brother almost making him fall over. "I loved it! Thanks Ozzie."

"You're welcome Lil T." He said as he was about to hug her back but then, "Though, your voice is a little too deep for Pinkie Pie. Plus Twilight is a unicorn and she doesn't shoot magic from her butt. And Rainbow Dash flies not digs." As she continued to spread criticism, Osmosis rolled his eyes and wiggled his fingers into her sides. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA HEHEHEHEHEHEHEY OZZIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIEHEHEHE!"

"Excuse me, I thought I did a fabulous performance. Don't spread any criticism around me." Jones said as he dug deeper into Tiffany's sides and moved one of his hands towards her stomach. "GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OZZHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIEHEHEHEHE YOU KNOHOHOHOHOHOHOW I HAAAATE THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT!" Tiffany begged, trying to escape her brother's grasp. "Tickle tickle tickle. Are you ready for a little osmosis tickle attack?!" Ozzie smirked and kiss her cheek, making the tickly attack even more ticklish. Tiffany couldn't help but laugh and giggle in his trap and let the older white blood cell consume her with uncontrollable giggle fits.

Ozzie laughed along with her and stopped his attack. "So, how was the performance 1 out of 5?"

"Um...50!" Tiffany answered honestly as Osmosis chuckled. "That's my little sister." He replied as he planted a kiss on Tiffany's head and set her inside the bed covers. "Okay, little white blood cell girly over here has to get her beauty sleep."

"Aw, but I wanna stay up longer."

"Would you rather move your bed time to 9:00?"

"No no. Anything but that." Tiffany waved her hands around as Ozzie huffed. "That's what I thought. Now hit the hay Tiff." He said as he gave her one last kiss on her cheek again and turned off her lamp. "Wait, Ozzie! Can you...sleep with me. Please?" Tiffany asked sweetly as Ozzie nodded and closed the door. "Sure thing lil sis." Ozzie didn't care if he still had his work clothes on. He slumped onto the bed as Tiffany climbed on top of him and laid on his chest. "Good night Ozzie." Tiffany said right at the moment where she fell asleep. "Good night Tiffany." Ozzie smiled and turned off the lamp in the room.

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