This starts off when Bria betrays them and gus asks if they are friends now. Mattholomule started liking gus as a friend but then developed feeling for gus and now is pretending he doesn't care about gus at all, but soon he can't pretend anymore and...
(Ok hello Kawaii Chan's/Kun's/Senpai's! I havn't posted since....October 31st!! OMG! I'M SO BAD!! Anyways here my kawaii's!)
(This is what Matt looks like)
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(I really tried my Kawaii's)
Gus P.O.V
"MATT!" I screamed before running to him. "What the hell happend?!" Boscha yelled,Not knowing what to do. "I DON'T KNOW BUT WE NEED TO GET HIM OUT OF HERE!! NOW!" I screamed picking him up and running to find a way out. We made it out but Matt eyes were rolling back fast. Boscha just happend to have a potion of speed, so we both drank half and ran to a hospital as fast as our legs could go. We finally made it! We both rushed in. "HELP!" I screamed as I ran in,holding matt. His eyes were now almost out of sight. The nurse called for back up immediately and doctors and other nurses ran out and carried Matt away. Me and Boscha both sat down in the seat infront of Matts room. I was crying so hard I started getting a headache. Boscha started comforting me,saying he was gonna be alright and we'll find out what happend. Out of no where,I got a from Luz. I answerd, "Hey,What did you want? It seemed important because you were crying." She said,worried. "Come to th- *sniff*the hospital....*sniff*" I said. "D-Did some-" She started but I cut her off. "Just come!" I said,kinda shouting. "O-Ok,I'm bringing amity...." She said,Even more worried. I ended the call efore she could say bye. A few mintes later Luz and Amity finally arrived. "So-" Luz started but was cut of by a doctor with redish brown hair and blue eyes and a mask. He looked so much like Matt but my thought were interupted by the doctor."Is he ok?!" I jumped up and asked,trusting Boscha's words saying he would be fine but when the doctor pulled down his mask, his words made me wanna scream in pain...... "I'm sorry......but he is in......" The doctor said but stopped to look down.
"He is in coma......." The doctor said and I froze in place,terrified at his words.
(That is the end of that chapter, I WILL post another Nov. 24th! I PROMISE! anyways my Kawaii Chan's/Kun's/Senpai's! >3<)