15 | a little unsteady

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Tommy's apartment was nice. 

It was the perfect size for one person to live comfortably in the heart of the city. He had decorated in tones of grey and silver. I liked his taste. I had almost forgotten how nice his apartment was because his landlord was a jerk. 

That wasn't totally true, I was the irresponsible teenager bringing in drugs. The good news was, I was out of supply. After Tommy had shown up at the bridge, I hadn't gone back to my drug dealer. I still had my stash but I didn't feel like doing street business. 

I spent two days pretending I was normal. 

Tommy was in and out for work and school. He had given me his key so I could come and go as I wanted but I hadn't left. I didn't really have a reason to. 

You never know how much a blessing it is to have a roof over your head and a couch to sleep on until you don't have it. 

I didn't appreciate Tommy enough. 

That's why I had asked him this morning if there was anything I could do. I actually wanted to earn my keep. So, he had written a quick grocery list before he left for work. I stuffed the little list in my pocket, grabbed the apartment key, and headed out. 

It was almost noon and the sun was out. 

I made my way to the supermarket. 

If there was one thing I had learned, life was really good at surprising me lately. I had been holding the grocery list, reading the labels on the shelf, when I saw a familiar head of dirty blonde hair breeze by the end of the aisle. 

I remembered what she had done. 

Ever since we were kids, she had always been a tattletale. She got me in trouble so many times, and most of it was over stupid shit. Now, ratting me out to a violent gang was crossing the line. I was fucking pissed about it. 

Charly had almost gotten me killed. 

My feet moved on their own accord and I followed her. She must not have been aware I was near because she slipped something beneath her hoodie and carried on. 

I was so angry just seeing her, going about her day like she wasn't a fucking snitch. 

When she rounded the end of the aisle, I rushed forward and grabbed her. 

"What the fuck?" She hissed, "Can you leave me the fuck alone?"

I stopped her from walking away, glaring, "You ratted me out that night."

"What? I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"Those men from the rival gang, you ratted me out to them," I snapped. I couldn't believe she was acting so fucking innocent and oblivious. If I thought I hated her before, I definitely hated her now. 

"No, I didn't," She lied, "I told you, they fucking know everything. If you were stupid enough--"

I grabbed her arms, "Don't fucking play with me. You said someone would take care of your problem. They're your dirty-working friends, aren't they?" 

What kind of shit was she wrapped up in? Was she in a gang? 

"Get your hands off me," She jerked against me.

"They were going to kill me," I said, lowly, ignoring her pathetic attempts to free herself. "The least you could have done was keep your fucking mouth shut."

She bared her teeth, "All I have to do is scream rape and the fucking cops arrive. Is that what you want? Get your disgusting hands off of me, now."

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